Good For You

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CONTENT WARNING: Bad Dad Phil, Bad Brothers Wilbur and Techno, and Bad Friends Tubbo and Ranboo.
I want to clarify none of it is real- but it does exist in this chapter so please take care of yourselves <3


Roulette- or, Quackity he supposes -takes him shopping to get a couple changes of clothes after he tucked his kid into bed that night. But what was a little odd; is the man insisted on going out in his rogue costume and mask. And he ended up giving Tommy a gold mask to cover his eyes to protect his identity too.

He didn't really understand why until Quackity drops a couple shirts and pants that fit Tommy into a bag and just..Walk out without paying. Tommy sighs, leaves them the cash that Sally gave him, and follows after him. The man tries to get him new shoes, too; but his own sneakers are fine. So Tommy declines that. Besides, he doesn't have the cash to pay for those either if Roulette just steals them.

He doesn't judge the man, of course. Tommy's done far worse in his work as a villain. But it's still annoying. When they got back to the casino; Quackity waves Tommy off as he steps into his office. Then he raises the phone to his ear like he was gonna call someone.

Tommy turned the phone back on when he reached the hotel room, and winced when the phone lagged at the amount of missed calls and messages it loads. He turns it on silent in case they start trying to contact him again, drops it into the drawer of the nightstand, and tries to get some sleep.

But as the sun slowly lights up the curtains on the far wall..Tommy realizes he can't sleep for whatever reason. He tries turning up the ac, thinking he's too warm. But he has to turn it back up when he starts shivering several minutes later.

He tries dragging all the blankets and pillows to the middle of the bed and propping himself up in that as a makeshift nest. And it helps a little; but not enough.

His chest feels hollow. His wings feel empty. Like he's just realized he's missing the core pieces to a puzzle in his chest.

Tommy watches the sun tick higher and higher into the sky until it has to be about mid-day; rolling over every now and then to check the time on the phone or to rearrange the blankets in an attempt to get to sleep.

But he just..He can't.

It's around that time that Tommy realizes why he feels so wrong; and he hits himself mentally for how stupid he is.

Because he misses Wilbur and Techno. Misses laying his wings out for them and wants to tuck them up under them so he can protect them from the world. Wants them curled up in his actual nest so he can reassure himself that they're real and ok and that they still care about him.

But what really surprises him is that his subconscious also misses Phil of all people. Misses his big, dark wings that scream safety. Wants his gentle hands to cup Tommy's face and look at him with gentle eyes. Even after what he said. He misses the hesitant touches of his wings wanting to wrap around Tommy's shoulder. Misses the feeling of comfort and safety and wings wrapped around him.

It's stupid.

He shouldn't miss the people who want him in jail. The people who wouldn't hesitate to throw him in Pandora without letting him explain or say a word. He shouldn't want to protect the people who would arrest him on sight without a second thought. The people he used and manipulated the most.

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