Chapter 3 - The Training Begins!

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"THIS IS ONE OF THE MOST PAINFUL EXPERIENCES OF MY LIIIIFEEEEE!" Vegeta shouted. He tried flying as fast as he could, pulling with all his might against the pair of pliers F Trunks, Gohan, Kabito Kai, and the Elder Kai were all holding on to together. All four of them were tied together on a rock, all holding the pliers as if it were a game of tug-a-war against Vegeta, who was trying to fly straight up into the air.

Eventually, with the strength of all involved along with Gravity, Vegeta's tail eventually was revealed.

Once it was revealed, everyone let go of the pliers, unfortunately sending Vegeta far off into the distance, hitting the ground with a surprisingly large thud, shaking the ground a little.

"Whew, man that was intense!" Gohan shouted as he undid the rope. "How weird, it took Goku only one try once we figured out that tying us to the rock was the better strategy," Kibito Kai said curiously as he helped Gohan undo the knotting.

"Well, I'm sure it's because Goku had the body of a young boy, so his tail was likely already to grow back soon. However, Vegeta, who had his tale cut off a long time ago, was in no condition to regrow his tail naturally, so it took alot more effort to bring it out," the Elder Kai responded.

"Well, what about you two boys, interested in following in Vegeta and Goku's footsteps?" the Elder Kai asked. After seeing the pain Vegeta had just gone through, it was not a very tempting offer for the two half-Saiyans. "No thank you!" F Trunks and Gohan both said in unison. "Meh, suit yourselves," the Elder Kai responded.

Eventually, Vegeta was able to get back to the others, a little banged up from his crash on the ground. Dusting some of the dirt off, Vegeta went through his super Saiyan transformations. "Wow, the tail really aids in the control of these forms," Vegeta said as he went from Super Saiyan one to two. Then, he switched into Super Saiyan three with a surprised expression on his face. "The normal drawbacks to this form are gone. I feel no Ki drainage at all. I feel as if I'm in base..." he trailed off. Finally, he turnt Super Saiyan four.

"Hmpf, that's what I thought. There's no drawbacks to Super Saiyan four with the tail... Gohan, I want to try something. I want to try and replicate what you and your father did in the time chamber all those years ago before the Cell games. I want to see if I coud access the different Super Saiyan grades while remaining in this form. Afterall, Super Saiyan four is just normal Super Saiyan on top of a controlled Oozaru transformation," Vegeta said.

"Well... that does make alot of sense, I can't find any flaws in your logic," Gohan concluded. "Honestly, I'm surprised Dad didn't think of doing that first," he added. Vegeta's pride grew just the slightest bit with that complement.

"Alright, I'm headed off to Yardrat. I trust that you two will not slack off and train to save your future timeline Trunks," Vegeta said as walked towards his son, giving him a big hug.

"You got it Dad," F Trunks said filled with determination.

And with that, Vegeta walked to Kibito Kai's side. "Oh, Gohan," Vegeta said.


"Don't go easy on him," Vegeta said with a smirk as the supreme kai teleported the two to the planet Yardrat.


"Whew, these storm clouds sure are thick, aren't they?!" Goten said as he, P Trunks, and Uub flew through the unrelenting rain and thunder. "Yeah, good thing my mom put these coordinates in, otherwise we may have gotten lost in here!"

"Woah, hey check it out!" Uub shouted as the three flew into a clear area unobscured by the surrounding storm and descended down towards the sandy ground. They could clearly see a sandy beach with four buildings, all attached with long grassy and concrete walkways.

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