Chapter 13 - Journey to the Future

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As Vegeta got a last good look at his wife through the glass of the time machine, a bright light slowly surrounded the machine, blocking his view to the outside. As the humming of the computer systems reached its apex, Vegeta heard a soft impact on the outside of the machine.

Before he could see what may have caused it, the bright light dissipated, and a dark-green ruined city stood before the visitor from another timeline. Vegeta's sharp eyes scanned the devastation, recognizing the familiar architectural remnants of West City, but warped and twisted into a nightmarish version of his home. Skyscrapers lay in ruins, and the once pristine buildings were now skeletal structures, barely standing amidst the desolation.

Vegeta clenched his fists, his Saiyan pride flaring as he took in the sight. "What happened here?" he muttered to himself, a mix of anger and confusion clouding his normally composed demeanor.

As he stepped out of the time machine onto the uneven ground, the acrid scent of burnt ash assaulted his senses. The air was thick with an ominous silence, broken only by the occasional creaking of damaged structures and the distant echoes of unknown disturbances.

The gravity of the situation began to settle on Vegeta. He was standing in the ruins of a world that bore a haunting resemblance to his own. The realization hit him like a punch to the gut. This wasn't just a destroyed city; it was a parallel version of his reality, a twisted reflection of what could have been.

Vegeta's sharp instincts kicked in as he surveyed the area. His keen Saiyan senses picked up faint energy signatures, scattered and feeble. Whatever cataclysm had befallen this world had left survivors, and Vegeta was determined to find the Kai who was responsible.

"Uh, Dad?" a meek voice would call out. Vegeta would turn in an instant to see who could've made the noise. Whoever greeted him surprised him past any expectations he could've had.

"Bulla?! What are you doing here?!" he would shout. Vegeta would realize that she was indeed not alone. "Pan? Marron? What on Kami's green earth are you all doing here?! Why did you follow me to this dangerous timeline?!"

Bulla exchanged glances with Pan and Marron, their expressions a mix of guilt and determination. They knew they had some explaining to do.

"Dad, it was an accident," Bulla said quickly, her eyes wide with sincerity. "We didn't mean to follow you. We accidentally touched the machine right before it launched into the time stream."

Vegeta's stern expression softened slightly, but he couldn't shake off the worry. "Accident or not, this isn't a place for children. This world is on the brink of collapse. What were you thinking?"

"You forgot the armor Mom and I designed for you! You need all the help you can get to fight that monster!" she would yell to her father. Bulla would reach into her pocket and pull out a capsule.

Tossing it into the air, the capsule expanded and revealed the armor Bulma had spent the last couple years designing with all the resources available to her at her company. Vegeta grabbed it before as it fell back down and examined the excellent craftsmanship, a signature sign of his wife's handiwork.

 Vegeta grabbed it before as it fell back down and examined the excellent craftsmanship, a signature sign of his wife's handiwork

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