Chapter 16 - Backup from Beyond

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The oni secretary, Joshua, was quick to get from his desk and head to the filing cabinets kept in Heaven's records. Exiting a building made of marble, the oni sped across the hills of grass and flowers which were scattered all over the celestial realm. Josh's calves burned as this was the quickest he had to move in a long time.

Speaking of which, when was the last time he even had to leave his desk, he wondered to himself. Since time doesn't seem to matter much in the afterlife, the secretary of heaven quickly headed towards where Heaven kept all it's records, whether it'd be a record of the names of souls still alive, every type of plant in existence, or how to cook some of the most delicious Blucko-Berry pie the South-Eastern galaxy had to offer.

The diligent oni secretary weaved through the celestial realm with a sense of urgency. The vibrant hues of the heavenly landscape blurred as he moved with unmatched speed, his determination propelling him towards the epicenter of celestial bureaucracy— Golden Gate City.

As Joshua traversed the bustling streets filled with souls deemed worthy of heaven, he strained to catch his breath. Marble structures and gardens of celestial splendor flashed by as he pushed his oni physique to its limits. Questions gnawed at his mind— when was the last time he had to leave his desk for something? Why would the Big Book of Souls not possess the names of mortals still in the living realm? Time, a fluid concept in the afterlife, seemed to mock him as he raced against the unknown.

Finally arriving at the threshold of Golden Gate City, Joshua scanned his surroundings. The towering structures and ethereal glow of the cityscape presented a maze of celestial wonder, and locating the building that housed the records posed a formidable challenge.

Frustration etched across his oni features, Joshua pondered his next move. An idea sparked in his mind, and he recalled the School of Scholars— a haven for the academically talented and astute souls. Surely, among the scholars, he could find someone with the knowledge to not only point him to the right direction, but to aid in this celestial mystery as well.

The School of Scholars loomed in the distance, its grandeur unmistakeable even from afar. Determination fueled Joshua's journey as he quickened his pace. As he approached the School, he marveled at the vast repository of celestial knowledge it represented. The grandiose structure, adorned with intricate carvings and celestial symbols, hinted at the wisdom contained within its walls.

Entering the scholarly haven, Joshua was met with the hushed whispers of learned souls engaged in cosmic discussions. He navigated through the vast halls, each step echoing the urgency of his mission. The oni secretary sought out the brightest minds, eager to unravel the enigma of missing souls.

The celestial scholars, engrossed in the cosmic pursuits, turned their attention to Joshua as he approached. Recognising the employee of the afterlife, the scholars bowed to him. With a respectful returning bow, he addressed the gathering, his voice cutting through the scholarly ambiance. "I seek knowledge of an anomaly in Heaven's records. Souls seem to be missing, and I need your wisdom to understand why."

A hushed murmur spread through the school as they peered at the oni, their collective intellect focused on the unusual dilemma presented by the diligent secretary. Some scholars, their celestial robes billowing, speculated on the possibility of a mistake, for the Big Book of Souls was deemed infallible in its record-keeping.

"There must be a misunderstanding," suggested one scholar with a long and pointed beard, his voice laced with skepticism. "The Big Book of Souls is absolute, a reflection of divine order. Every soul is meticulously accounted for."

Joshua's expression remained resolute as he addressed the gathering. "I assure you, esteemed scholars, there is no mistake. Three souls are missing, and they are currently on earth, wandering through a city in ruin."

A collective gasp swept across through the scholars, their celestial brows furrowed in shared concern. Joshua's revelation shattered the celestial calm, and scholars exchanged uneasy glances.

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