Chapter 6 - Lessons of the Master

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"Alright Trunks, here's a little quiz to recap some of today's lesson. The Blue-Horned Monogliths reside in which system?" asked Kibito Kai after erasing some of the earlier lessons on his newly-materialized chalkboard.

"Uhhhhh... hmmmm. Let me think..." Future Trunks muttered to himself, bringing his hand up to his chin as he tried remembering back to his study session with Gohan. "Was it the Triogon system in the North-Eastern quadrant?"

"Sorry Trunks, but they're actually in the Trilogite system in the South-Eastern quadrant..." Gohan chipped in, already anticipating their teacher's answer.

"Actually Gohan," interrupted Elder Kai, sneaking up on the two students from behind, "They live on the Trimaron system in the North-Western quadrant."

After hearing all their answers Kibito Kai could only facepalm to cover the look of disappointment on his face. He had expected that his students wouldn't have known the correct answer, but to have his own mentor completely make up his own system of planets was beyond him.

"Look guys, this was meant to be an easy question. We have only four more days until your confrontation with the Goku in black. Unfortunately, you were all incorrect. At this point, we won't be remotely ready to tackle this hurdle. We were supposed to be going over the history of the multiverse by now, but you all-" he stopped as he eyed Elder Kai, "haven't been able to get past the first lesson of species in our own universe!"

The three he had been ranting to all fell on their heads. "Oh wow, I'm used to studying all kinds of animals and species on earth, and not even I'm close to learning all of this..." Gohan moaned. Trunks agrees, "Yeah, I wish we could use the hyperbolic time chamber for this like we did last time I was here against Cell..."

"Yeah, it's too bad Dende hasn't gotten around to fixing it yet..."

"Wait, what did you say? A hyperbolic time chamber? You have one located on earth!?" asked an inquisitive Kibito Kai.

"Well, yeah. The last time we used it was when Buu was revived on earth. I think Trunks, or rather Present Trunks, and Goten used it to learn fusion and defeat Buu."

"Well that sounds perfect! What's the time dilation effect set to? We should head over right now!" urged Kibito Kai.

"That was one of the first things I thought of when we first started learning all this, but the chamber is currently broken thanks to Buu. One day outside the chamber is one year inside. But besides, even if it was functional, there's only a limited amount of times you could go into it. Correct me if I'm wrong Trunks, but you've already used the two times we're allowed to use."

Trunks nodded at the notion, and looked downwards, a hint of hopelessness crossing his face. "Well that's too bad," said Kibito Kai with a genuine tone. "Good thing that there's other time chambers in the universe then!" he shouted with glee. Gohan and Trunks both perked up with excitement.

"In fact..." Suddenly the Kai had disappeared, leaving the other present company a little surprised by their teacher's sudden absence. After a few minutes of waiting, the Supreme Kai returned with a familiar face for Gohan. "Well, if it isn't little Son Gohan, except you're not so little now, are you?" asked a gentle and familiar voice.

"Grand Elder Moori?!" shouted Gohan as he ran up to the older Namekian. "Hello Gohan, Dende has told me all about you after you saved our planet, it is so good to see you again."


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