Chapter 4 - Nostalgic Times; Catching up with an Old Friend

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"There!" exclaimed the Elder Kai as he finished performing the ritual upon F Trunks. "Now, if you'll excuse me..." he continued as he ran off to the pile of *magazines* Vegeta had gifted it to him as payment for their assistance.

Kibito Kai then facepalms, a little embarrassed by his predecessor's lack of dignity. "Well Trunks, Gohan, I think it would be best if you two sparred first, just to see where your abilities compare to each other. We can proceed from there."

"Couldn't have said it better myself, exactly what I was thinking," replied Gohan as he finished taking off his jacket. "Come on Trunks," he continued as they both ascended into the air, making sure to get some distance between themselves and the Elder Kai's reading.

"So, I heard you battled Majin Buu. How'd that go for you?" asked Gohan. "Well, I didn't actually get the chance to battle Buu. You see, I was able to prevent Dabura and Babadi from gaining enough power to resurrect him," replied F Trunks. "I see," replied Gohan, "when we fought Buu, I had the task of defeating Dabura while Goku needed to fend off Vegeta, but I-"

"Wait, what do you mean while Goku fend off my father?! What happened?!" asked F Trunks as a look of shock spread across his face. "Oh, heh heh... It's a long story actually... You see, Babadi had the ability to control those who had even the slightest amount of evil inside their hearts. While Vegeta had grown to like it here and became comparatively tame since you had left, Babadi was still able to find some. He forced your father to fight and distract Goku while I had to deal with Babadi and Dabura."

"Oh, alright then..." said F Trunks as he reflected on that, continuing, "Well, I'm sure Dabura was no match for you Gohan."

"Weeeellllll..." said Gohan as he lingered on responding. "Back then, I was just starting School, so I didn't really keep up with my training... So when trouble came back rearing it's ugly head, I wasn't as ready as Vegeta and my dad were to fight it. Since then though, I tried to have a balanced lifestyle between my duties as a teacher, father, and fighter."

"Come on Trunks, let's get started!"

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"Come on Trunks, let's get started!"

Suddenly with a burst of pure energy, Gohan unleashes his full base power. "With this alone, I would have been able to defeat Majin Buu, but I let my guard down like I did with Cell," he said. "Dig deep, and let out as much power as you can!"

"Alright, here I go..." muttered Trunks. The pressure increased around him as he began to breathe heavier and heavier, finally culminating into a scream as wind pushed Gohan further away. "Amazing, so this is my ultimate power huh?"

"Feels pretty good right?" asked Gohan as he smirked. Trunks smirked at himself, but as he looked at Gohan, he couldn't help but remember his own Gohan, the one who mentored and trained him under the constant threat of the androids. "Heh, you're just as amazing as ever Gohan!" said Trunks.

Gohan smiled and said, "Heh, well the Ultimate form is now your regular base state. For Majin Buu, I didn't even need to transform in order to beat him, but I let my arrogance get in the way and let myself be absorbed. Since then, I've had to relearn how to access Super Saiyan in my Ultimate State." With the end of that statement came a sudden burst of pressure, energy, and light as Gohan transformed into a Super Saiyan on top of his Ultimate Form.

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