Chapter 11 - The Leftovers

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The bio-android stared into the Capsule Corps scientist's eyes as she tried muttering out a response to his ominous greeting. "Speechless? I get that alot actually. Not too many people get to witness perfection in the flesh," Cell would boast.

"I believe this is the first time you've had the pleasure of meeting me, Bulma. I never was able to find you in the future timeline before I killed your son and took his time machine, no matter how hard I tried to choke the information out of him. How does it feel, witnessing your rival's greatest work before you?"

"Rival?" Bulma would finally respond. "You mean Dr. Gero? Oh, he's no rival of *mine*, I can assure you."

"Oh yes, Dr. Gero was quite jealous of that world-renowned intelligence of yours Dr. Briefs. I am fortunate that he designed me before succumbing to the decline in intelligence as he grew older by the day. Once I heard that he recreated a version of the rebellious Android 17 in hell, the same robot who *put* Gero there in the first place, I knew he had completely lost it."

Knowing that she stood no chance of escaping, Bulma knew her best option was to stall for time and hope that someone would notice the villain's return to earth. "Honestly," she would reply, "There was no point in making anything new after finishing you, what was that old fool thinking?" She would smirk and smile as she hoped the compliments might buy her some time.

"I knew someone of your intelligence would understand!" Cell would quickly say. "You'd be surprised at how many people don't realize that I'm the epitome of robotics and life itself."

Eager to keep the conversation going, Bulma would quickly ask, "I heard that you were green the last time you were alive? Why do you look more like... more like..."

"Like Cooler?" Cell would finish her sentence. "Being in Hell for a couple decades would take a heavy toll on anyone, Bulma. I tried escaping before a couple days ago with Frieza as my partner, but your *old pal Goku* showed up to put a stop to that, let me tell you. Realizing teamwork wasn't going to make the dream work, I decided to gather as much power as I could. I absorbed Frieza and his entire family. *They're the reason I was able to escape the afterlife. They're the reason I'm going to kill Goku once he inevitably shows up to try and save you*."

Realizing that her stalling plan was quickly falling apart, Bulma would try and recapture Cell's attention as she slowly backed away from him. "Oh, you're here for Goku? I would've thought that you might want to fight Gohan first since he's the one who put you in Hell after all."

"That may be so, but Goku was the one who foiled my initial plan for escape. Goku was the one who made me look like a fool to all the other souls trapped in hell. No, Goku shall die first by my hand. But make no mistake, Gohan will surely fall soon after."

"Oh, you might have to wait a while on that plan, Cell. I'm not sure if you heard while you were flying around Hell, but Goku is gone, kaput, retired, on vacation. Heck, I don't even know if he's even alive anymore."

Cell's eyes narrowed, and his confident smirk faltered for a moment. "Gone? Retired?" he scoffed, refusing to believe the words Bulma had just dropped on him. "You expect me to believe that Son Goku, the so-called savior of this planet, just decided to retire without a care in the world?"

Bulma took a step back, maintaining a cautious distance. "Believe it or not, Cell, he's really gone. I wouldn't lie about something like this. Even if I wanted to, I'm not that good at bluffing."

The bio-android's anger flared, and his fists clenched as he processed the shocking revelation. "No. This can't be. I had literally *fought* him *four days ago*!. He always found a way to come back, stronger than ever. You're just trying to manipulate me, aren't you?"

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