Chapter 12 - The Secondary Choices

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The first-born sons of Vegeta and Goku exchanged a glance, a mix of disbelief and anger in their eyes. "How is this possible? We saw you destroyed!" Gohan exclaimed, his fists clenched as he tried to make sense of the situation.

Cell chuckled, a cold, metallic sound that sent shivers down their spines. "Ah, the satisfaction of being underestimated. Allow me to enlighten you both," he said, pacing around them as if relishing the opportunity to recount his tale.

"You see, after our last encounter, I found myself in a rather unpleasant predicament. But as luck would have it, even Hell couldn't contain me forever. The depths of that place are amusing, filled with beings who once terrorized the living realm."

Future Trunks frowned, his mind racing to comprehend the implications. "How did you escape? What kind of deal did you make?"

Cell grinned wickedly. "No deal, no bargains. I devised my own way out. It turns out that Hell is not as secure as everyone thinks. After your father, Goku, humiliated me after I had spent the last two decades preparing for our next encounter, I realized my path to power wouldn't be the same as flawed and imperfect beings like yourself," he continued as he circled the two warriors like a Lion would circle a wounded Buffalo.

Cell's tail swayed behind him, a sinister glint in his eyes as he recounted the events that followed his defeat. "In the depths of Hell, I encountered Frieza, who I know you fought on Namek. His power, although great, paled in comparison to what I had become. So, taking a tactic from your father's playbook—we would train together to get stronger. Of course, this wasn't a permanent alliance... We would only go so far as to take down our shared enemy in Goku."

Future-Trunks would glance over in the distance to his present counterpart, who along with Goten and Kibito Kai, were ducking behind cover, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Ever so subtly as to not draw Cell's attention, Future-Trunks would give a slight shake of his head. They needed to hear more of Cell's annoying monologue before they should continue the fight.

Unbeknownst to all of them, Cell chuckled at the sight of the hidden warriors, seemingly aware of their presence but choosing to revel in the retelling of his triumphs.

"Ah, but Goku proved to be quite elusive, even in the afterlife," Cell continued, relishing the attention. "So, I was forced to resort to more drastic measures. After absorbing my useless training partner, I concocted a plan to lure King Cold and Cooler into a trap. After all, even in Hell, I didn't need Piccolo and the other ogres to constantly be looking for me. The prospect of escaping the afterlife and revenge against Goku was too enticing for the Frost-family to resist."

Cell paused for effect, savoring the tension in the air. Future-Trunks clenched his fists, feeling the weight of the impending battle.

"But my journey for perfection didn't end there," Cell continued, resuming his pacing. "Hell-Fighter 17, a creation of Dr. Gero's and Dr. Myuu's twisted minds, thought he could resist the tides of fate. Little did he know that I was going to escape with his power, either voluntarily or not."

A wicked smile spread across Cell's face as he recalled the encounter. "Hell-Fighter 17's arrogance was his downfall. He underestimated the cunning of a perfect being. With a swift and decisive move, I absorbed his energy, adding yet another layer to my ever-growing power."

Future-Trunks exchanged a knowing look with his present counterpart. They couldn't afford to let Cell continue to absorb more power. The time to strike was drawing near, but they needed to wait for the right moment.

Cell's laughter echoed through the air, and he looked directly at the concealed warriors. "You see, I have become the epitome of perfection. Every foe that once challenged me now serves to amplify my strength. You all are *nothing* compared to my new-found power!"

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