Chapter 5 - Origins revealed; the Magic of Baba

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"Ugghhhhhh.... I'm so bored Trunks..." said Goten as he moaned into his desk. The room the two saiyans were in was a small classroom Baba conjured up. The thing was though, was that there was no light except for the two candles on each of their desks.

"I know Goten, but my other self is counting on us!" P Trunks exclaimed as he continued jotting down his notes from the textbook Baba had given him. "Besides, when was the last time you of all people turned down a good study session together? We rarely get to do that now since I'm majoring in Business and you in technology; not too much overlap there dude."

"Hmmm, fair enough I guess," said Goten. "I guess I've just been sorta distracted lately is all. We all had a rough couple days so far, but not only had Valese dumped me, but my Dad may never be coming back..." Trunks wanted to try and comfort him, but he didn't have any idea what that would feel like. He never had a girlfriend of his own yet, and his father is still alive and well.

"Well try to cheer up at least a little bit Goten. Think on the bright side a bit, we're learning magic! Real magic too, none of that smoke and mirrors stuff we were into when we were kids. Just like that book series we loved reading when we were growing up! What was it called again, Mary Lotter and the Witches Stone?"

"Oh yeah! You're totally right Trunks! All the girls back at school will line up for two real life magicians! Speaking of which..." Goten trailed off. He took a look around the room to try and see if Baba was back from training Uub yet. Seeing that the coast was clear, he snuck on over to Baba's work-bench where he could see a bunch of different spellbooks, potions, and even some peanut butter. 'Huh,' thought Goten, 'I guess Witches also get the munchies from time to time...'

Looking over all her materials, Trunks could see that his best friend was scanning for something very specific. After nearly five minutes of no progress being made, Goten shouted, "Yes! I figured she'd have it!!"

Trunks was quick to shush him. If Baba came back and found them digging through her stuff, who knows what she would turn them into! Maybe some frogs, or even two icky bugs! Trunks nearly fainted at the thought of that, especially after attending one of Gohan's conferences, where he saw all sorts of gross looking centipedes, scorpions and beetles. After that brief but terrifying thought crossed his mind, he whispered to his friend, "Quick! Get back over here!" Coming back over, Goten showed Trunks what he pulled off of Baba's shelf.

Accelerated Hair Growth Potion

"Goten, of all the powerful items she has stashed over there, why on earth would you try and grab something like that?" asked a confused Trunks. "Well you know how I used to have almost the exact same hairstyle as my dad right? Well, I wanted to pay some kinda tribute to him. So, I wanted to regrow my hair almost exactly like it was when I was a kid. I haven't studied the ancient language of magic as much as you have the last two days, could you translate what it says on the back?"

Trunks was a little surprised by Goten's gesture towards his dad. "Sure, why not. It's for a good cause anyways. Okay, let's see here. It says: Place one droplet on the location of growth... Keep placing it until the desired effect is reached."

"Alright then, stay still Goten..." said Trunks as he stood in his chair as Goten bent forward just a little bit. While Goten trusted his childhood friend, he knew that both of them had a reputation for being a little clumsy. 'Okay, be careful Trunks..." said a cautious Goten. "Careful? Do you know who you're talking to? While my mom may be careful and attentive sometimes, my dad is by far the clumsiest person I've ever met!"

Back on Yardrat, Vegeta sneezed, accidentally making his tree grow even larger than before to the surprise of Pybara.

"Fine then, try channeling more of your Bulma DNA than Vegeta DNA for now..." said Goten. Slowly and carefully, Trunks tipped the small glass bottle over Goten's head. The effort this took me as making Trunks start to sweat, but as he nearly completed the task...

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