Chapter 15 - Navigating the Silent City

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Suddenly, the tremors ceased, leaving an eerie stillness in the underground chamber. The only sound that remained was the heavy breathing of the survivors in the hideout and the distant echoes of the aftermath above.

Bulla couldn't shake the worry etched across her face. "Is it over? Did my father...?" Her voice trailed off, unable to voice the fear that lingered in her heart.

After consoling some of the others in the bunker, Future Mai approached her, placing a reassuring hand on Bulla's shoulder. "We won't know until we go back up. But we need to be cautious. This monster is powerful, and if he's still around..."

Pan, Bulla, and Marron exchanged glances, a silent understanding passing between the three teenagers. They were determined to face whatever awaited them on the surface. As they ascended the makeshift stairs leading out of the shelter, they emerged into a scene of devastation.

While Mai had gotten used to the devastating landscape, the trio of teenagers were still absorbing their surroundings. The once-thriving identical city to the one that they had grown up in had been reduced to ruins. Skyscrapers stood like crumbling sentinels, and the air was thick with the acrid smell of smoke. The sky, once a vibrant blue, now held an ominous olive hue.

The desolation mirrored the chaos within their hearts. As Pan, Bulla, and Marron cautiously navigated the broken streets, they couldn't help but feel the weight of the world pressing down on them.

Suddenly, a sharp gust of wind disturbed the silence, causing the remnants of debris to dance in a macabre display. The girls instinctively ducked for cover, their eyes widening in fear. Above them, a blur streaked across the sky, leaving a sonic boom in its wake. Bulla squinted, recognizing the unmistakable silhouette of her father, Vegeta, tearing through the heavens like a comet.

"Daaaaad!!!" Bulla would shout, eager to see her father, but her words were lost in the wind, unheard by the Saiyan prince soaring above. Desperation painted her face as she strained to reach her father, but destiny played a cruel hand, muffling her cries towards that direction.

Future Mai, ever the strategist, swiftly intervened. "Quiet! We don't want to draw attention!" Her eyes darted toward the horizon opposite of Vegeta, a sense of foreboding settling upon her. "Something else is coming."

The four girls huddled closer as they quickly hid underneath pieces of debris scattered among the rubble, hearts pounding in sync with the impending threat. The air crackled with an ominous energy, and a shadow loomed in the distance. Pan's sharp senses detected an unfamiliar presence, sending shivers down her spine.

In the distance, Zamasu, the malevolent deity, had been momentarily distracted by the commotion. His attention diverted from the devastation around him, he turned to investigate the disturbance, a glint of curiosity in his cold, immortal eyes. However, fate had other plans.

As if summoned by the turmoil, Vegeta descended from the ashy sky, landing before Zamasu with a resounding thud. The earth quivered beneath the impact, accentuating the gravity of the impending confrontation. The survivors watched in tense silence as the father of Bulla, fueled by determination, squared off against the god-like adversary and his ally who followed closely behind.

As Vegeta's aura ablaze with fiery determination, Bulla, Pan, and Marron, unable to tear their eyes away, held their breath as the tension thickened. Future Mai, hardened by the harsh realities of the future, clutched her weapon tightly, her gaze locked on the unfolding battle.

The clash began with a sudden explosion of energy, shockwaves rippling through the desolate landscape. Vegeta's fists, which seemed noticeably faster than when he fought Omega Shenron Pan observed, collided with Zamasu's divine might, each blow echoing like thunder. The very earth trembled beneath their titanic struggle.

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