Chapter 8 - Lessons of Godhood

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"Let's start off with what you already know. I am Kibito Kai, the Supreme Kai of the universe."

Gohan and Trunks have resided to not take down notes yet; they wanted to absorb the information first-hand before then. Nodding their heads, they motioned Kibito Kai to continue.

"More accurately, I am the Supreme Kai of *this* universe. The deity that I serve is the King of All, Lord Zeno. He oversees all the universes in existence, of which there were 18 total."

Gohan and Trunks' jaws had dropped to the floor as they realized the implications of these facts. "Woah..." they would both mutter before Gohan would eventually say, "So, you mean there are other universes besides our own? I guess that makes sense... Is Trunks from a different one from ours then?"

"No, he is not. Trunks here has come from a separate timeline, of which has its own set of universes," Kibito Kai would clarify. "I'm not sure about his timeline, but in ours, while we used to have 18 in total, currently there resides only 6." The kai grew a solemn expression upon his face as he continued, "Long ago, Zeno grew angry> I cannot be sure for what or towards whom he was angry with, but he took it out on six of the original eighteen, leaving only twelve left."

"Wait, twelve? I thought you said there were only six left?" Trunks would raise his hand and ask.

"That's right, I did. Very recently, within the last decade or so, Zeno grew bored. He was tired of sitting upon his throne and watching over all the remaining universes. Like how I originally had Kibito as an assistant before I fused with him, Lord Zeno also has one. He is the Grand Minister, and he acts as the spokesperson for Zeno. Trying to relieve his boredom, the Grand Minister proposed a tournament, one between the Gods of Destruction..."

"Wait- Gods of Destruction? Who are they?" Gohan asked, scratching his head in the process.

"Oh yes, I had completely forgotten. It was not too long ago I learned of them myself too. Back tracking a bit, every universe has a Supreme Kai, correct?"

"Yep, understood that," Trunks would respond.

"The Supreme Kai's role in the universe is to create. Whether it'd be entire galaxies, planets, or star systems. In order for life to remain balanced, there is also a deity whose role is to destroy, aptly called a God of Destruction. They are required to be the strongest in their own universe. Our God of Destruction, Lord Beerus, is much, much stronger than myself. Together, we are supposed to keep the natural balance and order within our realm."

"Wait a second," Gohan would quickly interject. "If you two are supposed to work together to oversee the universe, where was he when Buu threatened our entire existence?!"

"About that..." Kibito Kai would sheepishly reply. "I did say *supposed* to. As far as I can tell, Beerus had been sleeping for nearly the last century or so, give or take a couple decades... "

"Except for this tournament that Zeno wanted to host, that is... As I was saying beforehand, the King of All wanted to host a tournament between the gods of destruction to see who was strongest. The top six of the remaining twelve would be spared from erasure."

Large amounts of sweat began to pour down Gohan and Trunks' foreheads. "You...You mean that our entire *UNIVERSE* was almost destroyed and we couldn't have done anything about it!?" Gohan nervously asked.

"Unfortunately, Yes. I was just as nervous as you are when I learned all this a couple days ago from Elder Kai..." Kibito Kai would suddenly spring up, "Fortunately however, we did survive! Of course, Lord Beerus was severely grumpy when he was awakened, but upon learning why he was awakened, he quickly set off to fight without a moment's hesitation."

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