Chapter 18 - Kais in Training; Kibitoshin's teachings

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As quickly as he disappeared from sight, Trunks reappeared in front of his teacher and fellow study partner on the plains of New Namek using the new technique they were both taught during their last study session.

"Excellent work, Trunks. I had full faith that you could use our Kaioshin teleporting technique to Earth and transport your father to Yardrat."

On the other hand, the fellow student of the God betrayed the words from his mouth with his facial expression, "Good work, Trunks, I knew you could do it!" His forehead dripped with sweat, obviously from worrying about Trunks' wellbeing and a possible teleportation mishap in the middle of deep space.

F Trunks had seen this exact expression from the same person countless times before in a different reality, and knew that it did not originate from doubting his own abilities, but just the stress of the situation getting to Gohan.

"Relax Gohan, I'm back. And I have an excellent teacher and study partner to thank for it."

Gohan would sigh slightly, some tension easing off his face. Kibitoshin beamed at Trunks' compliment.

"Indeed, Trunks," Kibitoshin responded with a warm smile, his eyes sparkling with pride. "Your progress is commendable, and your mastery of the Kai-Kai technique is truly impressive."

Gohan nodded, his expression softening further. "Yeah, Trunks, you did great. I was just worried about you, that's all."

Trunks chuckled lightly, understanding Gohan's concern. "I know, Gohan. But thanks to Kibitoshin's guidance, everything went smoothly."

Kibitoshin nodded in agreement. "Now that we're all here, shall we proceed with our studies?" he asked, gesturing towards the entrance of the Namekian time chamber.

Both Gohan and Trunks nodded eagerly, ready to delve back into their training after their intervention and recovery on earth. As they followed Kibitoshin into the chamber, they felt the familiar sensation of time distortion enveloping them as the purple sky and familiar desks they sat on entered their view.

Once inside the spacious chamber, Kibitoshin turned to his students with a thoughtful expression. "Before we begin, there are two important events we can discuss today," he began, his voice echoing in the vastness of the chamber. "The first is Vegeta's brief encounter with Zamasu in the future timeline, and the second is Cell's revival and the subsequent battle against him on Earth, with Gotenks and I assisting you."

As they sat down, Gohan and Trunks exchanged glances. They knew that both events were vital for discussing their training going forward, and it likely didn't matter which one they went over first since they'll discuss both either way.

After a moment of contemplation, Gohan spoke up. "I think we should start with Vegeta's encounter with Zamasu. It's a crucial moment, and we don't know nearly as much about it as our battle with Cell."

"Alright then," their instructor replied as he shot his finger forward with a magical beam conjuring a large crystal ball onto the ground.

"Firstly, we know that Vegeta had some unwelcome guests traveling with him to the alternate timeline..." KibitoShin said as an image of an older-looking Marron, Bulla, and Pan was conjured on the crystal ball.

"It also seems that traveling through time and space without a protective vessel can affect the unfortunate travelers."

Future Trunks wasn't paying attention to the last statement as he gripped his fists in sheer terror. It had only been a week or so since he even met his sister, who was fortunate enough to be born in a peaceful timeline. She wasn't supposed to be in *his* timeline. She wasn't supposed to witness the tragic loss he had experienced.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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