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It's so good, I literally cried the first time I listened to it. Like one single tear

Also this song is the only reason I'm going to the movie, bc I hated the book 💀

Ok chapter time


I got off the stage and people started rushing towards me. I smiled and pushed my way back to my trailer. I sat down and the door opened. I looked at the card from my mom congratulating me on finishing my tour.

"That was amazing Liv. I'd call that tour a success." Dan said sitting next to me. "What are you not happy with how it went?" I shook my head and flopped onto my back. "Then what is it?" I groaned and sat up.

"Y/n." I said, Dan looked at me and I sighed. "Y/n kissed me. Then said that she doesn't want to date me yet." He nodded and waited for me to continue. "And I want to date her, but she said to wait. But we've been talking for 3 months and I feel like I'm ready for this." He nodded and got up.

"And that's a bad thing? I mean you guys haven't spoken in years. And you 'hated' her for making you doubt yourself." I groaned and looked at my phone. I had gotten a text from y/n and I immediately clicked on it.

y/n 💜🤍

Are you free rn?


Just wanted to call you

I shooed Dan out and called y/n. She picked up immediately and I smiled hearing her voice.

"Hey!" She yelled, it sounded like she was in a crowded room.

"Hey, where are you?" I asked standing up. I changed into a hoodie and shorts.

"I'm here, open your trailer door." I looked at the door and walked over. I opened it and y/n came inside while people yelled at her. She waved and closed the door. "God how do you do it?" I shrugged and looked at her.

"Why are you here?" Y/n cleared her throat and coughed into her hands. "Hello?" She shook her arms and walked closer to me.

"Liv, we haven't seen each other for 3 months and we have been talking every day since. And I think I'm ready for this." My heart skipped a beat and I hugged her. She grunted and hugged back. "But if you don't want to go public then we won't." I nodded and pulled away from her.

"I don't, I'm not sure I can handle trying to come out online." She nodded and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. Her hand lingered on my face and I blushed. "Are you going to kiss me or just think about it?" She smiled showing off her fangs. She kissed me and I melted.

"Was that good enough?" I shook my head and she kissed me again. I leaned into her and she sat on the couch, I sat on her lap and kissed her again. She smiled and put her hands under my hoodie. She pulled away looking at it.

"Do you like it?" I asked as she ran her fingers over the Spider-Woman design on it. She nodded and put her hands back onto my waist.

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