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Hello :p

Plot? I have no idea what that is

Yea anyway pls vote


3 weeks later

I ran down the stairs and found Liv already getting her shoes on.

"Hurry." She said, pulling my blazers off the shelf. I groaned and slipped my foot inside and tyed one while Liv worked on the other one. When she finished I gave her a kiss and we got in the car.

"Shit we are going to be in so much trouble." Liv nodded and I took a left turn, I looked at the map and stopped at the red light.

"We are just providing their point that we can't focus when we are together." Liv said, I smiled and the light turned green, I went forward and got to the next light. "Turn here." She said pointing to the right. I took the turn and we drove down the road to the building.

"Oh thank god we made it on time." I said turning the car off. Liv laughed and unbuckled her seatbelt as I got out of the car. I walked around and helped her out of the car.

"So, remember they might say no because you 'distract' me too much." I smirked and Liv smacked my arm as we walked through the door.

"I didn't even say anything, you thought of it." She scoffed and I held her hand as we walked into the meeting. I sat down in my chair and someone set a cup in front of me. I said thank you and Liv got handed a napkin with a cookie inside.

"Yes." She said unfolding it, there was an oatmeal raisin cookie inside.

"Grandma cookie." She shoved me and the meeting got started. We talked about our approach to the situation. "Liv and I both want to stick with letting it play out." I said, clicking my pen. Everyone nodded and Dan motioned with his hands trying to say. "Say more." I raised my eyebrows at him and he shook his head.

"Dan, do you have anything to say about the album?" Liv asked, looking over at him. He stammered and Liv motioned with her head.

"The album is going amazingly, we just finished up everything so the first single is ready to drop." Everyone around the table clapped and Dan turned a little red. "And we are going to start recording y/n's song for the album as well." Everyone looked at me.

"Here I can play it." I pulled out my phone and opened my voice memos I clicked on the most recent one titled. "Let you in." I started it with acoustic guitar and a little piano. I put my phone on the table. When the second verse and the bridge started Liv grabbed my hand.

"I won't let you in, though my heart screams your name, Locked behind these walls, I play a losing game. Afraid of the storm that love might bring, I'll keep you out, my heart won't let you in. Maybe one day I'll find the strength, To tear down these walls, go to any length... But for now, I'll keep my love confined, A prisoner of my heart, in the depths of my mind." The outro played and I closed my eyes and mouthed along.

"So here I stand, with love untold, A story locked away, a hand I won't hold. I hope one day, the walls will break and bend, And one day... I'll find the courage to let you in." I opened my eyes and looked around the table.

"Y/n, that is amazing." I smiled and looked down. Everyone around the table agreed and Dan was beaming.

"I told y/n she needs to write her own album but she won't listen to me." Dan said, nudging me from across the table. I chuckled lightly and traced one of my molars with my tongue.

"Y/n why won't you?" I looked over at Liv's manager and then at Liv.

"I'm an actor, that's what I want to be known for. I mean I'm an academy award winning actress. I don't write songs." Liv laughed and I sighed. "I didn't mean it like that. I just meant that I don't want to add stress to my life you know? Like this is such a huge commitment and I've already given up everything for something else." I looked around and everyone was nodding or avoiding my eyes.

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