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I have had 0 motivation to write bc something really big happened recently

But here we are anyway I hope you guys like it


One month later

I paced around the front doorway waiting for Liv to come home from the meeting. I finally gave up and sat down at the kitchen counter. I opened my phone and saw posts about Liv and I.

"Is it all for fame? Fans are questioning if Olivia and y/n are dating for Olivia's new album to thrive." I scrolled past it and saw another. "Over used, over paid and all for nothing. Read more about how fans are suspicious of a formulated relationship." I closed instagram and went to Tik Tok. The first video was a girl with text over her face.

"Anyone else feeling like Olivia is faking dating y/n so that gay people listen to her music more? Bc she's never given any hints or signs about being gay and her song is doing so well and who knows how many songs are going to be about y/n on her album. But yea I think she's faking it." I opened the comments but only found people agreeing with her that it feels too good to be true that she's writing love songs. I scrolled and found a slideshow with pictures of me and Liv at the Met all the way up to the recent pics of us.

"They clearly haven't seen each other for a while. But they are still good friends." I went to the next slide. "But the next day they were seen hanging out all day" Next slide. "A few months later on the last day of the tour y/n was seen going into Liv's trailer." Next slide. "Then this vid came out where y/n was asked about Liv." Next slide. "Then out of nowhere they are never seen together and y/n is in London." Next slide. "Then the famous kiss." I smiled at the picture of us at Conan's party. "Then Olivia posts a bunch of pictures of them together. So we have no idea how long they have been dating or if they dated before y/n was in London." Next slide. "Then the song drops talking about second chances which leads us to believe that they were dating before the kiss" last slide. "In conclusion I think that this could have been a real relationship before London, but Liv is now faking it so that her songs will be better" I scrolled away from the video.

The front door opened and Liv walked in. I smiled and she set down her bag and keys.

"How was it?" She shook her head and I held out my arms. "I'm sorry." She smiled and leaned into my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and she sighed.

"I'm not sure what we are going to do." She said squeezing me. I put my head in the crook of her neck and breathed in the smell of her strawberry perfume. She pulled away and sat on my lap, raising her eyebrows.

"We'll figure it out, also Vampire and the first trailer drop in two days." I said and smiled and she did too.

"That's amazing love." She kissed me. I smiled and kissed her nose. "But I'm serious, what are we going to do? My team pulled up photos about how people aren't going to watch your projects because of this." I smiled and Liv furrowed her eyebrows.

"If people didn't already know I'm gay then they live under a rock. And I don't get why it's such a big deal for you not to come out. Straight people can like someone and it's normal for them to not explain they are straight." Liv pulled out her phone and smiled.

"I know, but last night I was scrolling through some posts and was super emotional so I posted something on my story. But I deleted it, but it got out and I saved it to my camera roll." I took her phone and opened insta. I looked at her story and smiled seeing her story.

 The text: Some of yall are meeeeaaaaannnnn :((( pls leave me and y/n alone

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The text: Some of yall are meeeeaaaaannnnn :((( pls leave me and y/n alone

I hugged her and she sniffed.

"I'm sorry if this is going to affect your life." She said, wiping her eyes. I pulled away from her and shook my head.

"I couldn't give two fucks, I want to be happy with you and I want you to be happy." I kissed her forehead and wiped her cheeks. "Do you want to talk about it online? I have a few small podcasts that want to have us on." She sniffed and nodded.

"Anyone in particular?" I smiled and pulled my phone off the counter.

"Oh just your favorite, Brittany, Katya and Trixie." She squealed and kissed me.

"We have to go on Brittany's. When does she want us to come on?" I smiled and opened my email and checked the date.

"Well I may have already asked your manager and got an ok because it's in like 2 hours." She punched my arm and got up.

"I have to find another outfit. And redo my makeup and we have to go to your house and find you an outfit." I smiled and got up walking over to her room.  She was rummaging through her closet and pulled out a plaid skirt. "Sluty school girl or cute cottage core?" I looked at the skirt and hummed.

"Sluty school girl

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"Sluty school girl." She smiled and grabbed a small black top and changed before sitting in a chair in the bathroom. She took off her makeup and redid the whole look. I smiled watching her and when she finished we drove to my house. I picked up a couple options before settling on a gray crewneck and green and white checkered pants.

 I grabbed my keys and we got in the car

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I grabbed my keys and we got in the car. I gave Liv my phone and she started the navigation.


I pointed to the left and y/n took the turn. I moved to the music a little and y/n grabbed my hand. I smiled and looked out the window and saw people taking a picture with a GUTS poster. I smiled and y/n squeezed my hand as second chance started playing on the radio.

"Oh my god." I said, y/n started singing along with the first verse and I joined in on the chorus. When the song was over the host's voice came on.

"That was second chance by Olivia Rodrigo, the song has recently hit number one on billboard and is holding it's place. There's no telling how many grammys this girl is winning this year." I smiled and leaned my head on y/n's shoulder.

We pulled up to the studio and y/n knocked on the door. Brittany opened it and yelled. I smiled and she gave us both a big hug.

"Oh my god it's such a fucking honor to meet you both." She said, leading us inside. I smiled and grabbed y/n's pinky. We went into the studio and saw the extra chairs and the makeshift mics on the table. "So I've never had guests on the podcast but I'm so fucking excited." I smiled and y/n pulled a chair out for me. I sat down and she pushed me in.

"Let's do this." Y/n said sitting down.


I love Brittany SO MUCH 

Getting interviewed by her is my #1 dream 

Ok byeeee

(1302 words)

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