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Ok so I'm not sure want to do with this

But I'm going to try and not repeat my past books

Ok bye


I got in my car and texted y/n immediately.

y/n 💜🤍

Miss you already

I closed her texts and FaceTimed Iris. She picked up and we both giggled.

"Tell me all about her." She said I smiled and opened my mouth.

"Fuck I don't even know where to start. She is the most amazing kisser ever. Like I thought some guys were good kissers, but Jesus fuck Iris she is so amazing. Like this is even better than New York." Iris propped her phone up and nodded.

"Knowing how much you loved her kissing in New York makes this hard to believe. And shit man, it's been 2 days and you're acting like she's the one." She started doing her makeup and I scoffed.

"Well we were talking for 3 months before this." Iris laughed and I scowled.

"I'm just saying Liv, this is something super new for you and I don't want you to jump into anything." I sighed and y/n texted me.

"Shit she texted me back." I clicked on it and smiled.

y/n 💜🤍

Damn it's been like 5 minutes
But I miss you too

I giggled to myself and sent the screenshot to Iris. She rolled her eyes and opened the text.

"Well shit I might be wrong about this one." I smiled and she turned around as someone opened the door.

"Hey I made some lunch." The guy said leaning on the door frame. Iris nodded and turned back to me.

"Who's that?" I asked grinning. She smiled and blended her makeup.

"That's Ryder, we met the other day and we were on a date last night." I squealed and Iris shushed me. I laughed and she smiled.

"I'm happy for you." She smiled and got up.

"Thanks Liv, hey I'm going to go. See you in a few?" I nodded and we hung up. I sighed and set my phone down. I looked out the window and felt my phone buzzing. I picked it up and saw y/n's contact. I answered and smiled.

"Hey Liv Liv." I blushed and sighed.

"Hi spidey," I basically hear her smile on the other side of the call.

"How long until you get to work on your next album?" I laughed and looked out the window towards seeing my house.

"A while." I said as the car rolled to a stop. Y/n laughed and I got out, I pulled my suitcase from the trunk and set it on the ground. "How long until you start filming?" She sighed and I opened my front door to see Iris and Ryder eating at the counter.

"I start in 4 months." I smiled and went to my room.

"That's really far out." I said laying my suitcase flat. I put the call on speaker and y/n groaned.

"Yea it is, but in the meantime I have to learn lines and work stunts." I unzipped it and smiled.

"At least you have someone to spend your extra time with." I said pulling my clothes out and putting them in a hamper.

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