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Ok here we go, have fun with this one


August 14th


I woke up and looked at Liv, she was still sleeping peacefully so I got up. I wrote her a letter and folded it into a heart. I went back upstairs and made sure she was still sleeping and I left quickly going to the store and getting her flowers.

Liv, where do I even start? I love you so much Liv. You are my sun, moon and stars. You have been there for me in everything and I can't even start to express how much I love you. No paper would be long enough to write how much I love you. The internet would crash at the sheer size of the google doc. Earth would be thrown off its axis. The milky way would implode. But I can say this. I love you. I love you so much that I smile thinking about all the stupid and deep talks we've had in my car. How many late nights cooking we've had, how many times we've screamed songs together. All the date nights where we can't pick a movie. I want to live in that moment. I want to feel that happiness forever. Nothing in the world could change that love for you. I know our relationship couldn't be more complicated but I love it no matter what. I know it's just our 4 months but it's been over a year since the met. And I've loved you since that day. So happy 17 months of loving you. I love you forever baby.


When I got back she was still sleeping so I started making waffles and whisking the matcha. I finished the drinks and heard footsteps, I looked up and saw Liv coming down the stairs.

"Hey beautiful." I said going back to cooking.

"I woke up with no one in the bed." She said sitting down. She had gotten ready for the day already.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to get this day started off right." I slid the vase with flowers over to her. She smiled and I handed her the heart with the note written inside. "Happy four months baby." She smiled and took the note.

"Thank you, love." She said taking the note. I kissed the top of her head and put whipped cream on her waffle. I added the strawberries and turned around and saw her crying. I set the plate down and kneeled in front of her stool. "I fucking love you so much y/n." She got off the stool and hugged me. I smiled and breathed deeply taking in the smell of her strawberry perfume.

"I love you too Olivia." She kissed my cheek and my neck. She laughed and pulled away.

"Come here." She got up and ran to the piano. I followed her and she opened the lid and started playing some chords. I watched her intently and she started singing. She sang about a perfect hero who saved everyone. I smiled and she sang about how much she loves that hero.

Her voice painted a picture of purple shapes dancing around in my mind as always. I smiled as the chords got louder, the shapes got larger and darker colors. When the song ended I hugged Liv.

"You are amazing. You make me see shapes and colors like never before." Liv pulled away from the hug.

"You see shapes and colors from music?" I nodded thinking it was normal. "Love, do you have synesthesia?" I shrugged.

"I thought all people could do that." She shook her head and I laughed. "Ok then." She kissed me and I stood up. "Our food is getting cold."

OK so I genuinely thought all people could see colors and shapes with music. Like when I'm listening to music it feels like the scene in ratatouille when he's eating the strawberry and cheese

She smiled and I led her to the kitchen. We sat down and ate our waffles and I handed Liv her matcha. She took a sip and I smiled.

"This is amazing love." I smiled and she kissed me gently. "So, I might have snooped through your phone and talked to your mom on the phone. Your parents are coming into town for dinner tonight." I hugged her and she laughed. I suqeezed her tighter worried about my mom but I pulled away.

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