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Hope you guys had a good Christmas (if you don't celebrate Christmas hope you had a good winter break)

yea here's the chapter


September 20th

I woke up and groaned, I reached over and Liv wasn't next to me. I sat up and she walked in the room and set down a tray with food on it.

"Happy birthday." She said lighting the candles stuck into the pancakes. I smiled and kissed her.

"Thank you baby." I said as she sat down next to me. Mako jumped onto the foot of the bed and sniffed at the tray. I pushed his head away and he jumped off the bed and grabbed a toy and started thrashing it around.

"I can't believe you're 21." She said eating a strawberry off my plate. I nodded and cut a piece off and bit it.

"This is really good Liv." She smiled and I set down my fork. "I have my shoot with Vanity Fair today." Liv smiled and grabbed my fork and ate some of my food.

"That's so exciting." She said handing me the fork, I took another bite and Mako jumped back onto the bed. "Hey bubba." She said, running her hands down his back. He dropped a toy in her lap and Liv tossed it out of the room and he ran after it.

"I should probably get ready to go." I said sliding the tray off my lap. I got up and put of black jeans and a white graphic tee. I walked downstairs and Liv was making food for Mako. "I'll see you later." I gave her a kiss and grabbed my keys.

"Be safe." She said putting the bowl on the floor. I nodded and opened the garage. I drove to the building and opened the door. A woman greeted me and led me to a room. There was a makeup and hair team there and I sat in the chair.

"Hey guys." I said taking off my bag and setting it down on the table. They got to work and someone came in with two trays of coffee. I got handed a cup and I smiled. "Thanks." I took a sip as the people around me worked. I sat in the chair for about 10 minutes before they told me to get up. I was handed the first outfit and I changed. It was a black compression shirt and loose green pants.

 I changed and looked at the rack of jackets and took a picture and posted it on instagram

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I changed and looked at the rack of jackets and took a picture and posted it on instagram.

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