392 11 4


Have fun

TW of the chapter ed and Emetophobia

Short ass chapter, very traumatizing tho

Ok bye


We pulled up to the restaurant and I got out and opened Liv's door. She jumped out and we walked inside. I held the door for her and she walked in. I stepped up to the waiter and he nodded and led us to a table. When we got close I saw my mom and she stood up and gave me a hug.

"So good to see you y/n." She said, squeezing me tightly. I felt tears sting the back of my eyes.

"Good to see you too ma." I let go and gave my dad a hug. "How've you been?" He shrugged and I smiled. "Guys, this is Olivia. Liv, these are my parents." I smiled and she shook their hands.

"Nice to meet you guys." She said, we all sat down and I pushed in Liv's chair. I sat next to her and my parents ordered wine, I held Liv's hand under the table and we all talked until our food came out.


"You ok?" I asked her as she poked her steak with her knife. She nodded and looked back down, she cut a piece off and ate it.

"Just checking it, now eat." She motioned her knife at my plate and I gulped. I haven't felt fear from food in a long time. But something about my mom watching me eat made me nervous.

"So y/n are you still working out?" I felt my heart shatter, there it is. I nodded and she looked at Liv who was just as confused.

"Y/n works out all the time, she tries to get me to come but I can never keep up with her." My mom nodded and looked Liv up and down. I felt myself dissociating and didn't notice Liv rubbing the top of her collar bone. "Y/n. Are you ok?" I nodded and speared a few gnocchi. I gulped and took a bite.

"You know Olivia, when y/n had just won her Oscar she refused to go on runs with me. She hated running, but I told her it's so good for you. And she finally relented." She nudged me under the table with her foot. I smiled and nodded.

"I still hate it." I said eating another bite. I saw my dad looking at me from the corner of my eye and I cleared my throat.


I looked at y/n in shock. She had never brought this up, it was so shocking to me that she hadn't told me.

"Y/n you look so bulky, I told you to stop rock climbing." I glared at her but stopped when she looked at me.

"I think y/n looks great honey." Her dad said, her mom looked at him and he put his hands up in defense. "What she looks fit, and she probably feels fit. Let her live honey." Her mother huffed.

"But think about her image, people might think she's a man." Y/n stood up quickly, her chair scraping the ground. She ran from the table and I stood up.

"Lovely to meet you guys, we're going to go." I said grabbing y/n's phone and my bag. I went to the bathroom and found y/n on the floor of one of the stalls.

TW: Emetophobia (throwing up 👍)

I heard her retching and I pushed on the stall door, it swung open and y/n slammed it shut with her foot.

"Y/n let me in." She held her foot there and I heard her start to cry. "Y/n please, let me help you." My voice broke and I felt the door open. I went into the stall with her and wrapped my arms around her.

"I'm sorry, I ruined our anniversary." I shushed her and stroked the top of her head. "I'm sorry." She sobbed again, I felt my heart breaking and I held her face up.

"Thank you for agreeing to this, I know it was hard for you." She sniffed and I held her face still and started into her eyes. "I'm sorry I made you do this." She shook her head.

"I thought she had changed, but it's all the same." I nodded and she gagged again. I let go of her face and she threw up again, I held her hair back and felt tears escaping my eyes. It hurts so much to see her like this, she wiped her mouth and flushed the toilet, I brushed her hair behind her ears and helped her up.

"Let's go home." I said helping her wash her hands. She rinsed out her mouth and I gave her a stick of gum. She smiled and we walked out of the restaurant quickly. Y/n opened my door and I pushed her inside.

"What are you doing?" She asked getting into the seat. I smiled and walked around to the driver's seat. I opened the door and jumped up. I started the engine and y/n buckled her seatbelt.

"Hold on." I said pulling onto the street. I drove home and got out of the car and opened the door for y/n. She kissed me on the cheek and we went inside. When we got inside we ran upstairs and started a movie.

"I love you." I said leaning on her chest listening to the steady beat of her heart. It got a little faster after I spoke.

"I love you too." Her heart was pounding. I smiled and pulled my blanket up more before I started to drift off.


I looked down at Liv, she had fallen asleep. I turned off the movie and the lights in the room. I laid down and set her back on my chest. I looked over at the bag of popcorn on the bedside table, I sighed and looked the other way. I felt Liv shift on top of me and I smiled and kissed her head. I thought about dinner.

You're too bulky y/n

I shuddered and wrapped my arms around Liv, she loves how strong I am. I looked at the wall again and smiled at the Spider-Woman poster. I look more like a superhero like this. I kissed Liv's head again and fell asleep.


(1048 words)

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