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YAY Disney chapter

I feel like all good Olivia fics have a Disney chapter

Anyway enjoy

August 12th

I zipped up my suitcase and looked over at Liv who was adding her toiletries to her bag. I smiled and she folded the other side over and zipped it up. She rolled it over to me and grabbed my hand.

"Ready pal?" She asked as we walked to the garage. I smiled and looked over at the cage where Mako usually was. He was staying with Liv's parents. "He'll be fine." Liv said rubbing my knuckles, I nodded and opened the garage door. We put our stuff in the back and drove to the hotel.

"I'm so excited." I said as the elevator went up. Liv nodded and we got to our floor. We walked to room 420 and I smiled.

"You are so mature." Liv said, opening the door. I laughed and we went inside the room.

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 The room (Pretend the woods match)

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The room (Pretend the woods match)

I set down my suitcase and Liv flopped on the bed next to me. We both sighed and I looked over at Liv who picked up her phone.

"Should we get going?" I asked sitting up, she squinted her eyes and set her phone down and sighed.

"Probably." She sat up and grabbed her backpack, we both grabbed some stuff from our suitcases and I put a room key in my back pocket. We left the room and made our way to the elevator, we ran into some fans on the way out of the lobby and we took a quick picture.

"Why do I get the feeling that's going to happen a lot?" I said opening the car door for Liv. She giggled and I closed the door. We drove the short distance to the parking lot and we found parking in a far back corner. I got out and looked around before putting on my sunglasses and opening the door for Liv. She jumped down and handed me a mask from the glove box.

I looked behind me and both Liv and I's security guards were following us closely. They end up sitting a row behind us on all the rides. I love looking back at pictures and just seeing them there.

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