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Hey! This is going to be a bit of a boring chapter, but I hope you like it. I hope it's good!

Also went back to school 😭👍


August 10th

I cleared my throat and a producer gave me a thumbs up.

"What's up GQ my name is y/n yln and these are the 10 items I can't live without." I looked down and picked up the first item. "This is my favorite picture of Liv. I actually took it in London, and there is a little picture from my 21st birthday right under it. This picture frame lives on my desk." I showed the picture of Liv, there was a small picture of us on the corner and a picture of everyone at my birthday.

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"Up next, my Spider suit

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"Up next, my Spider suit. I wore this everyday for 3, 4 years and I wear it all the time for other stuff." I showed my suit.  "And I mostly just keep it for sentimental reasons, it reminds me of when I was younger and all the fun times I had on set." I picked up the next item. "Then I have the journal/planner, I have to write down everything about my week or I will forget." I showed the planner and flipped to a page with lots of notes. "My dad taught me about journaling and how helpful it is so whenever I'm planning my week it think of my dad." I set my journal down. "Anyway, the next item is my airpods. I can not go anywhere without them. I am constantly listening to music and need it to survive." I opened them before setting them back down. "Music really defines me as a person. I've been surrounded by music my whole life, and I really associate the people I love with music. Like Liv and Conan remind me of their music but Liv reminds me of other artists sometimes. And my dad is like 80's classic rock bands. But anyway." I picked up Mako's toy.

"Next is this dog toy. I couldn't bring Mako so I brought one of his toys. But yea I love that little freak, he's huge and knocks stuff over all the time but I still love him." I squeezed the squeaker. "We adopted him from a kill shelter where he was surrendered by a dog fighter. But I like to think he enjoys living with us more." I laughed and set down the toy and looked at the next item. "This is my favorite ring, Olivia got it for me on my 21st and I haven't stopped wearing it since." I showed the ring and smiled. "There's an engraving on the inside that says y/n + Liv 3/14/23 which is the date we started dating." I smiled and put the ring back on my finger "This is another one of my essentials, my sunglasses. I wear them all the time, I wear them inside when I have migraines and I also think I look cool in them." I put them on and nodded.

"Next, my phone

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"Next, my phone. I use it for everything and I would die if I didn't take it everywhere. " I laughed and set my phone back down. "I actually have two phones, I use one for work and my personal phone. But you will most likely not be able to reach me on either one." I smiled and set down my work phone. "Coffee. I can't not function without coffee. I love making my own coffee in the morning just because it reminds me of when I worked at a cafe. But yea coffee." I set down the bag of coffee beans. "I think coffee is a love language. If it is that's mine, and cooking. I show my love by cooking and coffee." I picked up the last item. "This is Bruce, he's my shark plushie and I can't sleep without him in my bed." I hugged him and put him back on the table. "I got him from my youngest brother three or four Christmas's ago." I squished him and smiled. "So there are my 10 items, I hope you liked learning more about me. That's all, bye." I waved and they took some more videos of my stuff while I talked to people around the office. When they finished I put everything in my bag and walked out to my car. I got inside and drove home.

I pulled into the garage and turned off the engine and sat in my car for a moment. I took a deep breath and opened the door. I set my keys on the hook and Mako came bounding over to me. I rubbed his head and he wagged his tail and dropped a toy at my feet. I threw it and walked inside. Liv came downstairs and jumped into my arms.

"Hey love." She said, wrapping her legs around my waist and kissing me.

"Hey Livy." I kissed her again and she smiled and held my face. "It's almost our six months." She smiled and kissed me again.

"How about we go on a trip?" I laughed a little and she tilted her head. "I'm serious y/n we haven't gone anywhere in forever. And we have time." She said as I set her down.

"Where do you want to go?" I leaned down and started taking off my shoes.

"Disneyland or Hawaii." She said throwing Mako's toy again. I leaned up and groaned, Liv laughed a little and I stuck my tongue out at her. She smiled and we went to the living room and sat on the couch. I pulled out my computer and opened it.

"Ok, Disney would work because we live in California. But we could do Hawaii if you really want. It would just be harder to work into our schedules." She nodded and opened her calendar on her phone.

"I think we should do Disney." She said opening instgram. I looked over at her and she took a picture of both of us and added a question box.


I added the caption to the question box. DAY IN! ANY QUESTIONS? Y/n and I started a movie and I started replying to questions.

"When is the spidey mv coming out?!" I took a picture of y/n who had her arm around me and added the text. "SOON! We are going on a little trip before we get started filming just because we have both been so stressed out lately. But we appreciate all the love the Lacy mv has gotten <333" I scrolled through a few other questions before finding another good one.

"How have you been able to balance a busy life and your relationship?" I took a picture of me kissing y/n on the cheek and she was grinning. "We have had some ups and downs but we always say I love you to each other and make dinner together. It's super helpful to be able to unwind and cook with y/n. If you are having a hard time managing a busy schedule and a relationship I suggest sitting at the table together while you work, or on your bed. It's super easy to drift apart when busy so even being in the same room can provide a sense of security. But that's just what works for us, it might not work for everyone but just putting ideas out there!" I added it to my story and found another question.

"How have your parents reacted to this?" I found a picture from when we went to dinner at my parents house and y/n was getting bombarded by little kids and added the text. "My parents absolutely adore y/n. They always knew in a way that I was queer but never brought it up and when I did bring it up they just supported me anyway. I can't speak for y/n but her parents were very kind when I met them." I chewed my lip a little looking at the last line but left it there. I looked up at y/n who was smiling at the screen. I set my phone down and moved closer to y/n and we watched the rest of the movie before we went to bed. When we were in bed we did a few more replies before going to bed.

Ok yea that's the chapter

I kinda rushed the end but yea

ok bye

(1419 words)

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