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We are rolling along faster than I expected

Also in upcoming chapters we will be using one of the most overused tropes in celeb stories

But it's still good


3 Weeks later

I pulled my bag out from the trunk of the car and Liv hooked her finger on my pinky. We walked inside the airport and I pulled my mask up as we got to the baggage checkpoint. I looked behind me and shook Liv's finger off mine as a group of teens walked past us whispering my name.

"You ok?" Liv asked and I nodded and we stepped up to the window. I checked my bag and Liv stepped up after me. I stood to the side as she got checked in. We went through security quickly and stopped at a starbucks and got drinks.

"Should we take a picture?" I asked Liv taking a sip of my coffee. She nodded and set down her cup. She held up her phone backward and took a .5 of us. I pressed my face next to her and grinned.

"Cute." Liv said airdropping the pictures to me. I set one as my lockscreen and I looked at the time. "Do you have to go?" I looked up at Liv and she had set her lockscreen to the same picture as me.

"Yes, I'm sorry." She shook her head and hugged me.

"Don't be sorry, pal." I smiled and shoved her away.

"Pal?" She laughed and shrugged. "I can't believe you called me pal." She hugged me again.

"Just for that, I'm going to call you that all the time." I smiled and breathed in her smell one last time before letting go of her. "Oh I have a gift for you." She set her backpack down and pulled out one of her hoodies. "I wore it to sleep last night, and I sprayed some of my perfume on it so it smells like me." I took it from her and hugged her again.

"Thank you baby." I whispered before letting her go. "Now I'm really going to be late." I said, picking up my drink. Liv waved bye as I walked down the hall to my gate. I got there as they were boarding. I got on the plane and sat down in my seat. I opened instagram and added the picture we had just taken to my story.

 I opened instagram and added the picture we had just taken to my story

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(A/N this is literally the only good .5 I could find🧍)

I closed my phone and Lana sat next to me.

"God it is good to see you." She gave me a hug and I smiled.

"Good to see you too, how have your lines been going?" She groaned and buckled her seatbelt.

"Horrible, what about you?" I shrugged.

"Pretty ok, Liv has been helping me a lot." She smiled and bumped her shoulder on mine.

"How's that going?" I smiled and she laughed. "You guys are so bad at hiding it. What do your managers think?" I cracked my neck.

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