Bonus Chapter

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I'm alive

But yea I wanted more chapters of younger them so here it goes

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June 25th 2024

Bear Lake Utah

I parked the rental car and turned the engine off. I looked over at Liv and then behind her at Conan, Iris, and Madison in the back seat. I looked a little behind them and saw Mako's ears poking out.

"You guys can get out now." They opened the doors and got out of the car, I shook my head and opened my door before running around the car and opening Liv's door. She smiled and I went to the back of the car and opened the trunk. Mako jumped down and I handed his leash to Liv before I grabbed the cooler.

"Conan come grab this other stuff." Liv said grabbing the blanket, Conan ran over and grabbed the chairs and Iris grabbed the umbrella. We shut the trunk and walked down the dock where Hailee and Allen said to meet them. We all stood on the dock and set the rest of the stuff down.

"So Hailee and Allen were serious about bringing a boat right?" I nodded and looked out at the lake, the water was like glass in the early morning.

"I hope the waters not cold." Iris said petting Mako, I leaned over and put my hand in the water. It wasn't cold but not warm either.

"It's lukewarm." I said flicking the water at her. She gasped and we heard a boat. We all looked over and saw a boat headed for the dock. We saw Hailee waving and we all waved back.

"Oh just on time." Tom said running up to us, we all said hi and he gave me a hug. "Z said she's sorry she can't be here." I pat him on the shoulder.

"Dude it's fine she's very pregnant right now." We all nodded and Tom sighed, I raised an eyebrow and he just laughed a little.

"She's been so worried you guys don't like her anymore because she can't do anything right now." I looked at Liv and she shrugged.

"Never let her think that again." I said, patting his shoulder. We caught the boat and tied it to the dock as we loaded all the stuff onto it.

(the boat)

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(the boat)

"You ready?" I asked Liv helping her onto the boat. She nodded and I smiled, after everyone was on I untied the boat and pushed us off the dock. We boated around and got to a nice spot where we started wakeboarding.

"Y/n you have been voted to go first." Allen said, I shrugged and pulled off my shirt and got into a life vest.

"Ok sexy." Madison yelled from the front of the boat. I rolled my eyes and jumped into the water next to the board. The warm-ish water swirled around me and I came up to the surface and strapped my feet into the board.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04 ⏰

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