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TW emetophobia and ED's

That's all I'm going to say rn 


I pushed open a stall and quickly locked the door before kneeling on the ground and throwing up. My whole dinner came up and whatever snack I had eaten earlier. I pressed my hand against the stall wall and saw shoes on either side of me. Shit.

"Y/n are you ok?" I heard Liv say, I gagged again and threw up more. She started knocking on the stall door and I heard sinks running and people whispering. Shit shit shit

I wiped my mouth and flushed the toilet before opening the stall door for Liv. She quickly came inside and shut the door behind her. I slumped to the ground and Liv held me as I started to cry.

"Yea a it looked like y/n yln." Someone whispered.

"What's wrong?" She asked as we heard the door to the bathroom open. I shook my head and I heard Iris.

"Hey, clear out of here and give them some space." She almost yelled, I heard her talking to someone else again and the bathroom door closed again. Iris knocked on the door and I opened the stall door. "I cleared everyone out and got the manager to close this off." I nodded and wiped my face.

"What happened?" Liv asked cautiously. I sniffed and she held one of my hands and rubbed my joints.

"My mom called me, she told me I fill out my suit more and that I need to eat less. I tried to not let it get to me. But." My voice failed and Liv held my head against her chest. She shushed me and Iris nodded. "And now everyone is going to know." I said sniffing. Liv scratched the top of my head and shook her head.

"It's ok y/n, you don't have to say anything and you can cut off your mom if that's what you need." I nodded and stood up. "Iris is everyone ready to leave?" I looked over at Iris and she nodded, I splashed water on my face and dried it before walking out. I looked down and Liv helped guide me outside where cameras were waiting.

"Y/n can you tell us what's going on?  Y/n how long have you been dealing with this problem? Y/n will this affect your future projects? Y/n can you give us any details on why this is happening?" I ground my teeth and opened the door for Liv, she jumped in and I closed the door before going to the other side of the car and driving back to the hotel.

Two weeks later

I looked over at y/n who was scrolling on her computer. I looked over and saw her looking at articles talking about her ED. Turns out one of the people in the bathroom was a reporter who had been following us. Y/n had come forward in saying she has an ED but didn't share any details. I shut her computer and she looked at me puzzled.

"You shouldn't be looking at it. Your therapist said it could trigger you." She rolled her eyes and I put my hand on top of her computer. "I'm serious y/n, you have to take care of yourself because you have to film the next season soon." She groaned and stood up abruptly making the stool fall over. I flinched and y/n looked back at me.

"Hey I'm sorry, she picked it up and sat in front of me. I'm sorry, I'm just so tired of this. Nothing is wrong with me and people are making it look like there is." I looked away from her.

"Y/n something is wrong. You keep letting your mom step all over you and bring you down. She shouldn't control you like that. You need to do something about it." I felt my eyes start to burn and y/n's eyes were brimming with tears.

"I can't do it Liv, she's my mom." She whispered, I held her hands and sighed.

"I'm here for you, I'm trying so hard and I'm doing so much and I feel like it's going nowhere because you keep going back to the problem. So please y/n look beyond her, I'm right there waiting to support you." She looked down at our hands and drew them back. Shit.

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