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season six, episode twenty-three

alison couldn't stay in her bedroom as everything in the room reminded her of her blonde ex girlfriend where her niece, emily came running into the room, "aunt ali! aunt ali!" the five year old repeated when seeing her upset aunt, "what's the matt...

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alison couldn't stay in her bedroom as everything in the room reminded her of her blonde ex girlfriend where her niece, emily came running into the room, "aunt ali! aunt ali!" the five year old repeated when seeing her upset aunt, "what's the matter?" she then said in her cute little voice.

where alison bent down putting her niece onto her lap, "are you sad?" emily then asked her aunt, alison looked at her, "i am," the five year old wiped at her aunt's fallen tear, "when i'm sad, daddy takes me out to get ice cream and watch a movie," she said to her aunt, "do you want to watch a movie?"

her pager went off to what alison blew her nose into the napkin she had, "we'll watch a movie later ok, em? i need to go to work," she admitted placing a kiss to her five year old niece's head, "be good for daddy, ok?" emily nods her head when her brother came out seeing his sister upset.

"alison, what's wrong—?" the orthopaedic surgeon shook her head, "i—can't talk, need to get to work," she said out loud, "bye," she exited her house where her brother that she had found out two years back was currently visiting her with her niece.


alison sighed when she passed her ex girlfriend coming to alex, "what?" she questioned taking off the rubber gloves from her hands, "jason perkins, six year old with a comminuted tibia fracture," the resident said, "you could be nicer, he peed his pants and i cleaned it up before you got here,"

she smiled at the resident, "sorry, good man, alex, thanks," she thanked the resident, "hi," arizona said coming towards the two, where alison glanced at her ex girlfriend as she put the scans into the folder.

alex looked at his superiors who didn't say anything else to one another before alison moved away from the nurse's station walking away when she got paged.


"jason perkins?"

the nurse looked at alison, "i have the chart here somewhere," the nurse said to alison who thanked the nurse, seeing where arizona stood not a few feet away from her, "we're on lockdown," the nurse said to arizona, "what? why?"

"oh, come on,"

the pediatric surgeon looked at them, "it's a joke, right? it's a drill or something?" everyone's pagers went off where alison glanced down seeing that it was indeed in fact, a lockdown, "everyone—everyone!" the attending said, "we're sealing the floor, i don't know why and it doesn't matter why but nobody goes in or out, past the double doors,"

arizona ordered, "you check on your own patients and then you come back and check and see if there's any others in the queue, we don't have a lot of hands on deck," the women said, "and people, do not alarm the makers of the tiny humans, they will eat you alive," arizona told them all, "i really thought that was a joke,"

"sick joke,"

"excuse me?"

alison was on her phone seeing where her resident was, "nothing," she spoke as arizona scoffed, "what? you can't be stuck on the same floor as me? that's a hardship for you?" arizona asked her ex girlfriend, "yeah, frankly, it is,"

the orthopaedic surgeon sighed before moving out of the room.


alison tried moving past the double doors that were completely shut with the orthopaedic surgeon hitting her hand against the button wanting the doors to open.

"come on, come on,"

one of the first year residents looked at the surgeon, "dr thomas, we need your help," alison went back to the nurse's station, "has anyone seen olivia kagan's chart?"

arizona then said, "i need albuterol meds for the asthma kid," she said when a first year resident came out of the room, "time for eighteen's dose of ceftriaxone, thirty-four needs his mommy and the kid in thirty-five wont stop crying,"

"we have, what, fourty-two kids?" the pediatric attending said, "four doctors and nine nurses? that's not enough,"

alison then looked to her ex, "why don't you just put all the kids in the playroom?" she then said, "i mean, we don't have enough staff for a whole floor, so at least they'll all be in one place, we can keep an eye on all at once," she suggested to her ex who looked back at her, "you can't put a bunch of sick kids in the playroom with their beds,"

"uh-sure we can," the pediatric attending said stopping her resident form talking, "stable ones can and we have wheelchairs, so let's do it, move," alison nods her head, "thanks!"

she looked down to her phone seeing no response back from alex, "whatever," the orthopaedic surgeon picked up her charts walking away.


"hey, watch it,"

alison said when arizona bumped her wheelchair kid into her wheelchaid kid that she was moving, "sorry, sorry," the attending apologised, "i thought we were gonna be friends," arizona said to her ex, "you want to talk about this now? we're on lockdown, moving kids, god knows what's happening, and you want to talk about this?"

arizona looked at her, "we're stuck here, and we have to be together, so yeah, i wanna talk about this," she admitted to alison, "ok, fine, i tried being friends, rising above, tried that and i'm over it, i'm gonna go the more traditional route of totally hating your guys," alison said to arizona where the attending scoffed.

"ok," she moved her wheelchair kid near to a hospital bed patient, "christopher? tyler, tyler? christopher, you both hate chicken, discuss," she then said moving away from the two boys.

arizona followed after her, "whoa, whoa—" she stood in front of her orthopaedic surgeon ex girlfriend, "i don't deserve this, ok? i have treated you with nothing but respect and love—"

alison scoffed, "see no, that's the thing you think you have, but you haven't," she said to her ex, "i'm sure that it feels great to act like i'm the bad guy, but that's the biggest load of you know what that i've ever heard," arizona told her ex, where alison looked back at the women, "i've spent the last month trying to convince myself that i don't need kids to be happy, really trying, giving lectures to myself, say it out loud to you and to mark,"

she admitted, "and turning myself inside out to want what you wanted and then i stopped for a second and thought, did you ever try? to imagine what it would be like? to change for me? because i don't think you did, you dismissed my dream," the orthopaedic surgeon repeated again, "my dream— which says to me that you give a rat's ass if i'm happy," she clarified, "i never understood about who you are and now i do and i don't like it,"

"oh, really, really?"

arizona stepped in her way again, "i'm supposed to change for you? why? cause we're in love?" she asked, "because you fall in love all the time," the women said, "women that gives you flirty smiles, women—"

a resident came to them, "excuse me! dr robbins," the two women looked at the little girl, "i don't feel good!" the orthopaedic surgeon went towards the little girl.

"her blood pressure's ninety over sixty and dropping, let's hang more fluids," the children's doctor spoke, "i have the portable ultrasound," arizona's resident said, "check her appendix, i'll be back!"

the orthopaedic surgeon followed after her, "when are you gonna forgive me for not being a good enough lesbian for you?" she then said, "when you convince me that you're falling in love with me and not with being in love," arizona said, "when you do something to convince me that i'm different from addison montgomery—" alison furrowed her eyebrows, "you have a huge heart, and i love that about you, but i don't trust you, why would i?"

alison stared at arizona, "dr robbins!" her resident said, "her appendix—" she then did an explosion motion, to what arizona moved past her.

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