Chapter 39: Y/N's Darker Half

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Y/N's P.O.V

As I walk around the Council Chambers and feel something.

I look over and see a door nearby. I feel a presence too.

It's familiar, but cold too.

Y/N: This is getting weird.

I walk over to the door and open it.

A bright light shines through and I walk in.

Just then the floor comes out from under me and I fall.

Y/N: Oh, shit!!!

A moment later I land down on a platform in a dark room.

Y/N: What the hell?

I hear a lightsaber ingite and turn around.

I see a figure walk out of the smoke with a red lightsaber.

His hood is covering his face, so I can't see who he is

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His hood is covering his face, so I can't see who he is.

Sith: This is where you die, Jedi.

He charges at me and I ingite my lightsaber.

I block his strikes with my saber and push back using my form five technique.

He breaks off and uses force lightening.

I manage to block it and it hits the ground near the Sith, knocking off his feet.

The Sith throws his lightsaber at me, but I jump into the air to avoid it.

When I land down I sense it coming back at me.

So, I behind back and the saber flies past my face.

The Sith catches his saber and comes back at me.

After a few minutes of clashing blades he and I lock sabers.

I manage to break away and cut the Sith's face.

I look back to see hitting him knocked his hood off.

And I see myself as a Sith.

Dark Y/N: You will pay for that!

He fires more force lightening at me.

I block it and knock the lightening away.

As I turn I see him charging at me.

I block his lightsaber with mine.

We continue to fight and I come to a realisation.

This is all a test.

I have to confront my darkness and overcome it.

I break off and use the force to push him back.

After that I deactivate my saber.

Y/N: I'm not gonna fight you anymore. I know I have a darkness inside of me and there's nothing I can do to change that. But I am a Jedi and I always will be.

Dark Y/N charges at me and goes to cut me down, but stops just before bringing the saber down on me.

He steps back and deactivates his saber.

Dark Y/N: There's hope for you yet, Jedi.

Just then there's a bright light and I black out.

(Planet: Chandrila)

Third person perspective

Back on Chandrila, Kanan is currently meditating.

His eyes open when he senses Y/N.

He smirks.

Kanan: He did it.

(Planet: Tython)

Y/N's P.O.V

When I come to I see that I'm back in the Council Chambers.

I get up off the floor.

Y/N: Wow. That was crazy.

I sigh.

Y/N: I better get back to Chandrila.

I leave the Jedi Temple and go back to the Phantom.

(Three hours later)

(Planet: Chandrila)

I land the Phantom on Chandrila outside the Palace.

Apparently Kanan is inside and wants me for something.

I walk inside and see Kanan waiting outside for me.

Kanan: Ah, there you are. You passed the test.

He puts his hand on my shoulder.

Kanan: I'm so proud of you, Y/N. I know your mother would be too. You've become the Jedi she believed you could be.

I smile.

Y/N: Thanks, Kanan.

Kanan: Now, it's time for us to leave our roles as Master and student. It's time for us to become brothers.

I tilt my head.

Y/N: Kanan?

The door opens and it's dark inside.

Kanan: Go on.

I walk into the room and it gets lit up with blue and white.

I see Master Cordova and Ahsoka.

The other's are here too.

Sabine, Finn, Zeb, Bode, Hera and Jacen.

Kanan steps infront of me and ingites his lightsaber.

Kanan: Y/N L/N, kneel.

I kneel down infront of him. I then lower my head.

He puts it down on my shoulder, then down on my other shoulder.

Kanan: By the right of the Council, by the will of the force. Y/N L/N, you may rise, Jedi Knight.

I stand back up.

All three of them deactivate their sabers.

Kanan: You are ready, Y/N.

Y/N: Thank you, Kanan.

Ahsoka: Congratulations, Y/N.

Eno: Yes, you will make a fine Jedi Knight.

Y/N: Thank you both.

After that the other's come over to Congratulate me.

I'm now a Jedi Knight, I can't believe it.

(A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, everyone.)

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