Chapter 14: Horrible Situations

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Gally sat, staring out over the Scorch but not seeing anything. His mind was spinning so fast it was hard to grasp one thought.

Charlie was dead. Charlie was gone. And that hurt so much. He shouldn't have kissed someone else. It felt wrong, like he cheated. But why? Charlie wasn't here anymore. Sophie kissed him back, well...she had initiated it... Gally obviously wasn't over Charlie if he was making out with a girl and calling her by his dead girlfriend's name.

No. He definitely shouldn't have done that and definitely wasn't over Charlie. He felt like he had a stone in the pit of his stomach. He felt like crying, but no tears came, so he just stared out, wrapped up in his misery and anger and resentment, he sat for a long time. The sun had set and the stars were making their appearance.

The stars...Charlie had come to say hello. He looked up at the brightest one.

"I'm sorry Charlie! I'm so sorry, for everything! I wish I could change it. Change our past. I wish I had listened to you! I wish I held you closer. I wish I could go back and not let my anger and jelousy get between us. Charlie ..."

His voice finally cracked, the emotions bubbling up.

"I miss you!"

He was so distracted he didn't hear the door behind him open. He didn't notice the footsteps, only until a bottle was dangling in front of his face did he blink and look around.

Zayn sat down beside him, dangling his legs over the side.

"Do I bother asking how you're doing?"

Gally snorted in dirision. He twisted the cap open, taking a long gulp.

"Yeah...Sophie told me."

"Fan-shucken-tastic." Gally said dryly.

"Relax. I ain't mad."

Gally didn't say anything, picking at the drink label with his thumb.

"I told her she was being an idiot."

"What? Why?" Gally asked shocked, looking up at his friend.

"'Cause, she shouldn't have done it. You're still mourning, and still processing Charlie's death! She took advantage of a vaunerable moment."

"But I kissed her back, man! I can't take that away! And ... Don't get me was- umm- it just-she's great... it's just-"

Zayn held up a hand. Gally stopped trying to talk and deflated, running a hand through his hair and down to his neck, and groaned.

"Dude, don't. She's like a sister, I don't want details. And I know what your trying to say. She takes responsibility."

"I feel like I just cheated!" Gally finally cried, and threw his empty bottle over the edge.

Zayn hummed. He was quiet for a moment.

"There is a group of us going to The Last City. Laurence got ahold of another warehouse on the outskirts of the city. Come with me. It'll be good to get out, get away."

"Dude it's gonna be so awkward now! Shuck I shucked up!"

"Nah, she'll be weird for like a day. She'll get over it fast. She doesn't hold onto things like this."

"Oh? She's kissed other guys who call her their old girlfriends names?" Gally raised an eyebrow at Zayn.

Zayn snorted and gave him a lopsided smile.

"No... can't say that she has. But. We tried dating one time. It was too weird. Look at us now."

"What? Seriously? You and Sophie? Now that's weird!" Gally looked around to Zayn.

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