Chapter 26: Coffee?

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Sophie and I had killed a man. I had never done that before. Fantasized about killing Rex and Janson all the time, but I'd never actually killed someone before. I stood transfixed watching the trail of blood and then the pool of blood collecting under him. Sophie had to pull me away.

There was only a little splatter of blood on my sneakers. Otherwise you wouldn't know we shot a guy. Zayn didn't even know. We just met him at the door again and went to find Magnus and Gally.

I told them what the guy had told me. It was now up to Sarg and Laurence to decide what to do with that formation. We let Zayn fill them in with the other stuff.

It was a long walk back to the train station. Gally asked me a few times if I was okay. But dropped it once I snapped and said I was fine and to please just drop it. I decided to skip supper and curled up in bed. I wasn't in the people mood.

I heard the door open and close. I heard Gally shuffle around for a minute. And then he climbed onto the bed and leaned over me.

"Supper is on the dresser, Sweetie." He kissed my nose and then sat against the wall.

"So? Can I see this tattoo you got?" He asked, raising an eyebrow, with a crooked little grin.

"Oh, yeah..."

I sat up, untangling myself from the blankets, and I pulled up my tank top. Along my side, from beside my cleavage and down my ribs was a simple black, red and orange  tattoo of a Phoenix with the words: Rise From The Ashes

Gally grinned. "I suites you."


(*Picture at beginning of the chapter is what I imagine*)


"Thanks. Oh did Soph show you our matching ones?"

He shook his head. I smirked and held up my middle finger. There on the inside was a tiny little heart.

"'Cause I love her....and you...even when I flip you off." I grinned.

He just laughed at me. And shook his head. I grinned back. Laying back down, this time with my head in his lap. He started to run his hands through my hair. We were quiet for a bit. I closed my eyes, enjoying his hands in my hair.

"You going to tell me what actually happened in there? And why you looked white as a ghost on our way back?" He asked me quietly.

I sighed. Blinking back tears again, I told him everything. How the creep hit on me, how I had to pretend to like it, what he said and then about Jax's family.

"Holly shuck! No way?" He gasped.

"Ya way! Like a shucken small world!" I agreed.

"No kidding!"

"I think Jasmine and Magnus would be cute together!" I said thoughtfully. And then grinned at the mental picture.

"Seriously? After all the klunk you just told me? That's what we gonna go for?"

"Hey! Your brother needs a girlfriend. And if she's anything like Jax....then I approve!"

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