The lab

8 0 0

Ron's arms pulled down on Bella's left leg and pulled her down. She was surprisingly heavy. It was like pulling a box of weighs. Ron bent down on to his knees as he pulled. They were in Chase's house in the basement. Chase sat in a wooden chair that was behind a large steel desk. Sitting on top of the desk was a laptop. The screen was glowing white with black numbers and words over the page. 2 Black cords were plugged into the left side of the computer. They swirled down to a black plate and were plugged into it.

"Even the slightest foot print on it, Will send a DNA signal to my laptop." Said Chase leaning back in his chair.

"I'm fine, Thanks for asking." Said Ron pulling on Bella's shoe.

"Sorry." Said Chase not looking at Ron.

Eve who was rubbing her 4th and thumb finger together looked up and at Ron. Eve walked over to Ron and Bella and grabbed Bella's right leg. The room was rather big but empty beside the plate and desk. The room walls were white with some of the paint peeling of. A ceiling fan hung above there heads.

"I'm Sorry about this." Said Bella as the pulled her down.

"Its- huff- Fine." Said Eve.

Ron and Eve were both on their knees pulling.

Bella stood on the plat form. Ron sat on Bella left foot and Eve sat on her right foot to keep her down. There were a few clicks as Chase's fingers danced over the key board. Chase's eye brows suddenly raised.

"It seems as though your gravity field is gone. You can turn the field back on some how, But I don't know." Said Chase pressing his pointer finger on the SHIFT key.

Ron stood on the plat form with his arms crossed.

"I still don't under stand why I'm doing this." Said Ron.

"It seems as thought your legs and ankles have become more flexible. Your ankles can bend backward faster to propel you forward fast." Said Chase pressing more buttons on the key board.

"Can you say that in a normal version?" Said Ron grinning.

"You can run super fast." Said Bella who was doing cart wheels on the ceiling.

Eve stood on the plat form rubbing her fingers together.

"Ron get the thermometer." Said Chase biting his left thumb.

"Where is the thermometer?" Said Ron who was leaning up against the left wall.

"In the bin out side the door." Said Chase pressing two keys.

Ron walked over to the door that was on the right wall. He passed the black plate and was nearly kicked in the nose by Bella who was doing a handstand on the ceiling. Ron finally hit the door and reached his left arm out to the gold door nob. He twisted it and the door swung open. Ron bent down to the right. His head disappeared as he bent down. They heard a few things clunk together but then Ron's face appeared in the door way. His pointer and thumb finger gripped on to the plastic tube. A smaller part in the tube was bright red and had little dashes with numbers on the side of the red stuff. Ron spun the tube around once then held it in place.

Ron dropped the tube in Chase's waiting palms. Chase spun around to face his laptop. His fingers hit 6, 9, 11, 3, 2 and 17. One large number appeared on the screen. 0.

"OK, Here." Said Chase turned toward Eve who was cracking her knuckles.

Chase reached his arm out with the tube. Eve turned to him and grabbed the tube. Her fingers rapped around the thermometer. She lifted it up to her mouth. She plugged it into her mouth and lifted her tongue up. She pushed it under her tongue. She raised her eye brows and crossed her arms over her chest. Chase looked at the 0. It lifted up. It started to go faster and faster until it reached 100. It went higher. 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450. Eve pulled the thermometer out of her mouth.

"Will that be all?" She said sarcastically.

"Your DNA is so hot it went up to 450." Said Chase typing faster.

"Can you say that in not nerd way?" She said grinning.

"Your blood is boiling." Said Chase leaning back in his Chair.

Chase stood on the platform looking down at his feet. Bella's fingers were over the key board. Her feet were dancing on the ceiling. She pressed on a few keys.

"It seems as though you have a gravity pull. You can steel the gravity from other objects and control how it moves." Said Bella squinting her eyes.

"Nice." Said Ron winking and looking at Chase.

Chase ran his 4 fingers through his hair.

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