The start of a new beginning

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"You were great dude!" Said Bella as they walked outside of the bank.

They waddled down the marble staircase.
Suddenly Eve appeared coming around the corner laughing. Chase raised his eye brows and raced after her. Bella came after Chase.

"Hey guys." She laughed.

"What's so funny?" Asked Bella jumping in slow motion.

She slowly floated in the air until her feet hit the ground softly. Eve smiled and started to tell them her story.

"That is awesome!" Said Chase.

"Way cool." Said Ron bumping into her.

They had picked him up from his house. Chase had told His and Bella's story. The all walked down the sidewalk shoulder to shoulder. They watched the white clouds float and the tree branches swayed. Eve stuck out her hand and flame shot out at a near falling green leaf. The flame bolt hit the leaf setting it on fire. It floated with smoke coming from the burning leaf. Ron turned into a blur again. He ran up a near by tree and thousands of green leaves floated down. Eve started setting fire to them. Chase frowned sending all the leaves back up to the tree hanging on to branches. Ron stopped and appeared up on the highest branch in the tree. Eve crossed her arms.

"What was that for?" Asked Ron rolling his eyes.

"Were in public." Said Bella.

"She's right. If anyone found out we would be lab rats." Said Chase.

Ron started to lose his footing. He tried to step forward then tripped a bit and he waved his arms. His back foot fell first knocking him down. He reached for a branch but missed. A smaller branch reached out and scratched his cheek. Blood dribbled down his cheek and over his chin. Bella kicked off the ground to catch Ron, but a long sharp stick scratched her forehead. The blood matched Ron's. She reached down and grabbed Ron by the foot. Suddenly a person walked right under the tree. Chase through him out of the way. Eve quickly ran to the tree to try and help. Bella lost control and started to fall. She quickly tried to stop in mid-air but Ron was to heavy. The fell to the ground, Taking out Eve and hitting the man. Chase ran after the pile of people. The man was in black, weird color to be in, in the hot daylight. He was holding a big black gym bag. Chase watched them try to get up. Ron got on his knees but bumped heads when the man. The man fell on to his back knocking the bag open. Thousands of dollars leaked out the opening. Eve bent her knees and jumped up with Chase's help. Chase reached out and helped Bella up. Bella looked down a Ron and the man. The man was shoving the bills back into the bag while Ron was getting up. He looked over at the Man and jumped up without help. The man left a few dollars and stumbled up.

"What are you doing with that money?" Asked Eve crossing her arms.

"Trying to go on with my life sweet heart, Move aside." He grumbled.

"Why should she?" Asked Bella raising her eye brows.

"Now Missy don't get at a tone with me. I don't want to hurt you." He snorted.

"I wish I could say the same for you." Snapped Eve.

She struck her hand out and his gym bag caught fire. Smoke swirled up from the burning bag. The man coughed and threw down the bag stomping on it trying to put the fire on it. She spreed her fingers out and relaxed her bones. She twisted her wrist and twitched her fingers and the fire burst up. The man jumped backwards and rolled over on the ground. Eve struck out here other hand setting the bag and the green bills on fire.

"No! What is this magic!" He screamed.

Ron started to run. He turned into a blur and ran around the man. Chase's hair blew in his eyes. Eve kept her fire going but nearly fell into it. Bella jumped up over the blast and fell down as it passed. Ron stopped and rubbed his hands together. He was standing next to the man who's hair was sticking straight back and his eyes looked spinning. Bella winked at Ron and jumped off the the grass flying over head. She manged to stand over his head and land on top of him. She stood on his shoulders nearly falling. She kicked her back leg, hitting him in the shoulder. She flipped off, Landing softly on the ground. He back up re-gaining his balance. Chase growled and he flipped backward landing hard on the ground. He groaned. Ron did a high kick in a matter of 2 seconds then stomping down hard on his back. Bella stuck out her fists. Chase's pocket opened and his phone slipped out. It floated up toward his face. He blinked and the phone rung.

"911, whats your emergency?" Asked a lady over the phone.

"We've just took a guy out around the park that was stealing money." Said Chase through the phone.

"OK, Whats your name?" She asked.

"I'm Chase. I'm with Bella, Eve and Ron." He said.

"Are these your friends?" She asked.

"Yeah, We burnt the money bag. I don't know if all the money burnt." Said Chase eyeing Bella.

"Alright, Does he have any harmful things?" She asked again.

"No, I'll check him though." Said Chase kneeling down.

"Is he knocked out?" She asked weirdly.

"No but in pain." Said Chase looking at him.

The phone floated around his head.

"How did you take him out?" She asked.

"Fire, Speed and lets just say wind." Said Chase shrugging.

"Um, OK. Stay there. Make sure he does not leave." Said the women.

"Alright, Bye." Said Chase.

His phone beeped as it turned off and floated back into his pocket. Suddenly the man jumped up quickly. It was so fast he barely saw it. His right hand grabbed Bella's arm. He pulled her to his chest and his left hand went in his pocket. He pulled out a sharp sliver knife.

"Now, Call those cops again and say false alarm, Or she dies." He mumbled.

Chase gulped. Ron breathed. Eve struck her arms out. Fire shoot out from her hands hitting the grass circling him. He looked down at the nearing flame. He looked scared but said nothing. Bella was trembling. Here face was pale. She was bright white. Her chin was up high. Chase closed his eyes. A street lamp flickered next to them off. The sliver knife zipped out of his hand and zoomed into Chase's waiting hand. He opened his eyes and grinned. Bella pulled her chin down and smiled. The man looked at his hand and then Bella elbowed him in the chest. He leaned over and fell onto the ground. Ron stood next to him and watched.

"That was fun." Said Ron as the walked through dusk.

Chase snorted. Bella showed a smile and Eve rubbed her forehead.

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