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"Just shut up!" Yelled Eve into her phone. Ron looked over at Chase. Chase shrugged. Ran turned his head to face Eve who was pressing her thumb down onto the red hang up button. Ron looked at Eve. Eve looked back at Chase and Ron.

"That was my stupid X-Boy friend. He pranked my house and I yelled at him but he thinks it was just a harmless prank.

"Are you kidding me?" Said Ron.

Chase looked at Ron. Suddenly a smile came over Ron's face. Chase looked at him oddly. Suddenly the wind picked up as Ron zoomed away. Chase fell off his feet and Eve's phone flew out of her hand and hit the back wall with a slam. Bella flew in from the kitchen. They were in the living room.

"What did I miss?" She asked helping Chase to his feet.

"Ron-" Said Chase but Ron was back and the wind that came back from his speed knocked Chase back down. Ron had left and came back in a matter of 5 seconds. In his arms were thousands of things. Red and Blue spray paint, Duck tape, Water balloons, Silly string, Honey, Whipped cream, Toilet paper, Eggs and tape. Ron grinned. Eve looked at Ron.

They all sat in the car. Eve was driving. Ron was in the passengers seat holding a bag with all the things. Chase and Bella were in the back seat whispering.

"What do you think Ron is planning?" Whispered Bella.

"I have know idea." Whispered Chase.

"Ron what on earth are you thinking?" Asked Eve out loud.

"You will see when we get there." Said Ron. Eve gulped as she pulled into her X-Boy friends driveway.

It was 12:30 at night and they were all yawning. Ron opened his side door and stepped out into the darkness. Eve slowly opened her door and ducked out. Bella and Chase slide the door open at the same time. Bella jumped out of her space and didn't land on the floor. As usual she flew over the top of the car and got in a sleeping potion. She yawned and wait for Chase to get out. Ron opened up the bag and looked in. He pulled the two spray paint cans out and lifted them up to Bella.

"What do I do with these?" She asked shaking them.

"Anything to the house." Said Ron looking back down into the bag. Bella shrugged and twisted around to face the house. It was a cool kinda house. The walls were white and the roof was dark black. There were a bunch of windows. Bella licked her top lip and kicked her hind legs. She flew up to the top wall and shook the red spray paint can. She lifted her pointer finger and pressed it down hard on the metal button on top. Red spray came out and she moved it around. The red paint dyed over the wall. She flew around quickly and the paint sprayed all over the white wall. She grinned at her work when she was finished.


Ron handed the small bag of white eggs to Chase. Chase nodded at Ron and opened the bag. He tossed the bag into the air. It flew over his head. He blinked and all the white eggs flew out of the bag. The bright white eggs floated above them and Chase closed his eyes. The eggs flew in all directions at the house. They splatted on the walls smearing white shells and yellow yolk all over the walls. Ron Took the Honey, Silly string, Water balloons, Whipped cream, Duck tape and Toilet paper.

"I've got his front door keys." She whispered.
She reached into her pocket and felt around. She felt the cold metal key and yanked it out. She looked at the sliver door nob. There was a small key hole. She shoved the pointed part of the key into the hole. he twisted the key and the front door swung open. Ron and Eve crept in slowly. They didn't bother to look around. The stair case was right in front of the door. Eve headed up first. Ron crept behind her.

Eve looked down at the guy. He was sleeping. She looked at him. He had black hair in a buzz cut. He had a nose pierce and a rose tattoo on his right arm. She snorted and turned to Ron. He nodded and pulled out the Whipped cream. He shook it and walked up to Eve. He pressed his finger on the button and the white foam squirted all over the top of his head like a hat. Ron choked on his laughter. Eve gave out a little giggle and handed him the Silly spray. He handed her the whipped cream and shook the can. The thin pink string shot out over the guys chest tying him to his bed. Eve grinned. Eve handed him the honey. He picked it up and squirted it all over the floor. Ron dropped the honey and looked at the wooden shelf above the mans bed. Ron carefully looked at the screw that was holding it to the wall. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a Swiss army knife. The sliver blade of the screw driver shined in the moon light. He reached over to the sliver screw and placed the screw driver on the screw and it spun around until it got lose. Ron pulled the Swiss army knife back down to his pocket and put it in. He reached hand fingers up to the sharp screw and pulled it. It spun out and landed in his palm. The shelf titled down so it was right over the man's head. The man snorted in his sleep and turned his head. Ron nodded to Ron and Eve handed a bright pink water balloon. Ron grabbed it without popping it and placed into on top of the shelf. Eve handed him more balloon's The water swished inside the rubber balloon. Ron placed them gently on the wooden shelf. Finally they were all placed. Ron raised his eye brows and Eve handed him the duck tape. Ron used his thumb and pointer fingers to pull a strip of the black duck tape out. He raised it up to his mouth and his teeth and bit through the tape. A strip of tape was stuck to his thumb. He pulled the strip down to the man's arm. He stuck on his skin. He quickly grabbed the edge of the strip and yanked. The tape came off quick and fast.

"What the-" Yelled The man sitting up. The top of his head banged on the shelf knocking the water balloons off the shelf. They rolled off the wooden shelf and splatted all over his head showering him with water. Ron and Eve ducked down but watched. He shook his arms trying to to shake the string off. Then he noticed the Whipped cream on his head. He pulled his arms up and pulled the whipped cream off. He swung his feet of the bed. He didn't notice the honey. He ran toward the door angrily but slipped. His front feet flew up from under him and he hit the ground hard with a loud bang. Ron took the advantage and slowly walked toward the door knob. He grabbed the honey bin and squeezed it. Honey blasted all over the door knob so it was slippery. Eve grabbed the supplies and headed for the window Ron followed her.

"Bella!" Whispered Eve. Bella's face appeared in the doorway. She waved. Eve leaned forward and Bella grabbed her arms and pulled. She pulled Eve through the window and up where Ron couldn't see. Bella flew back down and grabbed Ron. Her soft hands grabbed Ron's arms. She pulled him out from the room. He was flying. The wind was blowing which made his hair blow. Bella flew up higher. Ron dangled from her arms. The air was hot and the purple sky was soothing. Bella flew him up to the roof. Bella flew higher up so Ron's feet could touch the ground. She let go of him and he stood Next to Eve was was swinging her legs off the roof. Chase was standing up with his arms crossed.

"You know this is crazy, Right?" Asked Chase snorting and dropping a roll of toilet paper down the guys chimney. Bella flew down and landed next to him with a small thud on the roof. Eve smiled. Then they saw the man. He was running out of his house. He turned around and looked at his house. He gasped. Luckily they didn't do much to the roof so he didn't look at it. Then a cop car appeared. It was driving from the right side of the road. The wheels slowed down and the car stopped at the end of his drive way. Luckily Chase had moved there car down the block. The cop car was black with white paint over two of the front doors and in blue on the back it said Police. Red and blue lights shined on the top of the car. A woman came out from the car. She slammed the white door. She was in a dark blue uniform with a shiny badge on the right pocket on her right shoulder. She had a black gun and a pair of hand cuffs hanging on her left side. She had her hands on her hips. She chuckled at the sight of him and his house.

"You call me because of some harmless prank?" She said Laughing. She turned around and grabbed the door handle. She opened the white door up. She laughed and ducked into the car. She slammed the door.

"Come on its the truth!" Yelled The man running after the cop car. She pulled out of the drive way and laughed. Bella laughed and Eve kissed Ron. At first Ron's eyes widened but then kissed her back.

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