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"What!?!" He yelled.

The new reporter had just told him that 4 adults attacked a robber on the street.

"We need these guys on the cover!" Said The reporter.

"Of course not! We need these unknown hero's on the street need to get back to their own jobs instead of pretending to be super hero's!" Snapped the Mayor.

"But we sold every copy last week when an old man saved a cat from a window!" Said The reporter.

"I don't care!" The mayor hissed.

"But many people walking on the streets saw them do.... Magic." He said shortly.

"Oh, OK, Magic! Ha! Magic. Those people just want to be on the news! Don't listen to those people." Said The mayor laughing.

"I'm going to find them. I will find the truth, You can't stop me!" Stormed the Reporter.

He stomped out of the room.

The door swung open and Ron stood on the other end. The reporter smiled.

"Hello. I'm Keven Rowen. I'm a news reporter. I heard a group of four stopped a robber from getting away. Do you know anything about them?" He grinned.

"Come in." Said Ron stepping aside.

Keven smiled and stepped inside looking around. Ron closed the door. Ron combed his red hair as Keven walked over to a wooden shelf. I bent down and blew on to a photo. Dust flew off of it. It was a photo of Ron with Eve leaning on his shoulder.

"Is this your girlfriend?" Asked the reporter.

"Kind of." Said Ron. Ron turned around to face the stair case.


There we a bunch of foot steps as Chase thumped down the stairs.

"Hello Chase. I'm Keven. I'm a news reporter. I heard of some Acton on the street yesterday. 4 Interesting adults sending a man to justice. Do you know anything about that?" He asked.

Chase flashed a look at Ron then at his hands and back at Keven.

"I do." Whispered Chase.

"Thank you Chase. Do you have any information to tell me?" Asked Keven.

"Its a long story. I mean a really long story." Said Ron.

"Lets start with this." Said Chase.

He turned his head to face his hands. Keven's Chair started to shift. Keven was startled. The chair wobbled. Suddenly the lights started to flicker. Keven looked up then back at Chase. Ron's Hair started to float up into the air. Ron watched his flaming red hair float. The Chase looked back you and Keven. The Chair stopped. Keven breathed in and the Lights turned on again and Ron hair dropped back down. Keven breathed heavily.

"What was that?!?" He asked.

"Lightning hit us. It turned the gravity around my head and hands off and on. I can control it. I can turn it on and off." Said Chase.

"That's Crazy! Wait! Us?" Said Keven starring at Ron.

Of course the wind started to pick up as all the papers on the table flew up and swirled in the wind. Ron turned into a blur and ran out the door. It looked like the door had opened by it self. Ron came back after 5 seconds with Bella and Eve being dragged behind him.

"This is Eve and Bella. They are are friends." Said Ron standing Eve and Bella up.

Bella smiled weirdly then rushed over to Chase.

"What is he doing here?" She whispered in his ear.

"He's going to try and help us. I don't know how or why." Said Chase.

"Bella, Show him." Said Ron.

Bella sighed and jumped. She quickly flew through the air landing softly on the ceiling.

"Can I get you coffee?" Asked Bella doing a soft flip through the air and landing with a small thud on the ground.

She had landed it but her knees had buckled a bit. The man looked to shocked to answer. Eve groaned.

"What? You think I'm going to turn into a bug or something. Please don't stare!" Eve Called.

"It makes sense, You just have to think about it." Said Eve again shooting out her hand.

All the papers on the table caught flame. The orange flame danced over the table. She rapped her fingers around her fist and the flame died down. She shrugged.

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