Chapter 31 | Y/n

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(Evie's POV)

Me, Brooke, Mel, and Tracy stand on Y/n's front porch. I look at her neighbor, Alfie's house. It's sold. He must've been ridiculed by his parents after everything got out. I did everything Brooke asked me to but we're still here, getting N/n and Trace in trouble. I don't know why Brooke's doing this to me. I bet Y/n hates me.

Y/n's dad answers the door.

"Hi, Jacob!" I say.

"Come in," he replies.

He looks tired. I really fucked him up.

"What did you need to talk about?" Mel asks as we all sit on the couch.

Brooke pulls out a box. I grab Tracy's hand as Brooke spills the contents out onto the table.  Mel stands, staring at the stuff, her hand over her mouth as Jacob just stares tiredly at the table, clearly freaking out but not wanting to show it.

"There's more in Y/n's and Tracy's rooms, supposedly," Brooke says.

Tracy pulls her hand from mine, "What the fuck, Evie?"

"Let's not blame Evie. It's all Y/n, I mean, I'm sure she can be a sweet kid when she wants to...but right now she's a really bad influence. I mean, she cheats,  she lies, she steals," Brooke says.

"Where do you think she learned all this shit from?" Jacob asks, sitting up in his seat, "SHE HAD STRAIGHT A'S BEFORE WE MOVED HERE!"

Mel looks at me and furrows her brows, "Y/n has always been polite. She was really sweet to Tracy before she and Evie got close," she defends Y/n, "As soon as Tracy met Evie, that's when shit happened! Tracy was playing Barbies before she met Evie!"

"Did Y/n teach Tracy how to beat the crap out of her as well?" Brooke asks, "I've seen the bruises!"

"What the hell did you tell her, Evie?" Tracy asks, pushing me away.

Jacob stands up, "Girls, can you please go get Y/n, she'll be in her room," Jacob asks, "I don't think it's fair to give my opinions on your daughter when she can't defend herself against them, you bitch," he grits his teeth, emphasizing the 'bitch' as he stares directly at Brooke.

Me and Tracy go upstairs. Tracy just keeps looking at me. I did stab her and N/n in the back. It makes sense. I have but it's worse for Y/n. I've ruined her reputation by spreading her secrets and stuff. I still don't know why I did it, I just want Brooke's approval. I can hear Brooke talking to Mel and Jacob about it but I blot it out. I knock on the door.


She doesn't answer. I wouldn't answer to me after everything, either.

"Y/n, please," I say, "I'm sorry. They found my stash, and I had to tell them. I love you, okay? You're my girl. Remember that."

Tracy rolls her eyes, "You're a real bitch, you know, Evie," she says, "Y'know, I was fine with you and Javi getting together AFTER  but I found out you were sleeping with him DURING my relationship with him. You're a bad friend."

"I used to think you were cool but you've fucked everything up," Tracy says, "You didn't have to snitch us out. You're awful, Evie."

"You don't get it, Tracy, I had to!"

"Oh, no I get it, you're a bad friend. You're fake."

Her words pierce me and I just stand there, not saying anything.

Tracy knocks on the door, "Girl, it's me, you okay?" she asks, "I'm sorry. Please answer."

"Is she even in there?" I ask.

Tracy tries to open the door but it's locked.


There's no answer, once again. 

We go downstairs. 

"She's not coming out," I say.

Jacob follows us back upstairs and kicks the door open. He's strong, I'll give him that. Not checking on his daughter, he just walks down the stairs and starts talking to Brooke and Mel again.

"Y/n?" I say. 

I can see her hair flow off her bed from the doorway. 

She is probably asleep, that's why she didn't hear. We are being pretty loud, though.

I hear a light dripping sound. It sounds like something is dripping onto her floor. 

I walk into the room as Tracy stays standing at the doorway. I stop walking when I notice the blood, that is lying in her hair, and the bedsheets stained brown and red. I look down at the floor and see a puddle of crimson and brown on the floor. I stand, frozen.

(Tw sh) Her old sh runs up her arms. I knew she cut but not this bad. Some of the scars look years old and there are some fresh cuts beside them as well. I stare at her bleeding arm then neck then between both of them.

I try to say something to Tracy as I stare at Y/n's lifeless body. 

What do I do?

Tracy glares at me, "Evie?" 

I feel sick.

Tracy walks in and screams as she sees Y/n's body there. 

I hear Jacob ask Brooke and Mel if they heard that scream too.

"I am so, so sorry..." I say, staring at Y/n.

Tracy runs out of the room and down the stairs. After a few moments, that feel like an eternity as I stare at Y/n's body, Jacob runs up the stairs.

This is my fault.

"My baby. My little girl," Jacob says, running over to the bed. He crashes down next to her bed. 

He applies pressure to her neck and wrist with cloths as he whispers about the mistakes he made, how he didn't know it was this bad, how he didn't even know she cut and these scars are new to him.

I hear Mel downstairs on the phone as Tracy cries. 

I wonder what Brooke is doing. If she feels any remorse.


Even after the ambulance has taken Y/n away and the police are talking to her dad. I don't move. I stay in the same place I have been since I found her. 

Brooke nagged me to go with her but I just ignored her and she left. She said she is gonna make me move to a different middle school. Leave everything behind.

I stare at the blood-soaked bed. If she doesn't make it, she's gonna die thinking I hate her and spread all these rumors about her but I didn't have a choice. This is Brooke's fault. 

I finally get the confidence to walk around her room, upon realizing the police will have to search it. I take all of our drugs and alcohol out of the room, take her purse with stolen money in it, and shove it all into my bag before dropping it out the window so it lands in a bush at the side of the house.

At the side of her bed, there's a pile of envelopes. They look old. I grab the stack and go through the pile.




Lizzy Loo

E <3







and a few people's names, who I don't recognize. What I do recognize is that these were pre-written. They're not new. I can tell by the envelopes' discoloration. She's been planning this for a while, I guess everything just got too much. The heart next to 'E' makes me so sad. She really cares for me and I did her so wrong. I wanna open it so bad but she might live and I don't wanna read her goodbye letter just for it to not actually be a goodbye.


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