Chapter 1 | New town, new me

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I grip the bag and pour the coke onto the small tile I have on my desk. Evie stands beside me, smoking a cigarette and puffing it out the window as Tracy lays on my bed staring at the ceiling. I often wonder how I got into this predicament, I used to be really good...

New town, new you. My dad always says that but I've always been the same. A good student, who follows rules. Never had I changed until we moved to Los Angeles.

I sit down at my desk in my new room.

We move around a lot. Quite annoying actually, I'd rather we not, and I have a normal experience in teenage life. It's also probably not great for Eliza. She's young and constantly leaving her friends behind is probably not easy for her.

I stare at the blank walls, imagining where I can stick my posters and pictures of friends up but that's a little far-fetched. I don't think I'll stay here for longer than 2 months, so, I don't really need friends.

"Y/n! Breakfast is ready!" my dad shouts from downstairs.

"Coming!!!" I reply, slinging my bag over my shoulder and dashing down the stairs.

He carefully places two pancakes on the plate and gives it a little shove so it slides over to me. I take the plate and spread Nutella on the pancakes.

"I hate moving around," I groan as I cut the pancakes up.

"Promise you, we'll stay here longer!"

"You said that the last five times."

"Well, I mean it, this time," he says and gives me a smile.

"You said that the last two times," I roll my eyes.

Jay dashes into the kitchen, snatching his plate of pancakes and eating them with his hands.

"Thanks, dad!" he says.

"Has mom sent the money over yet?" I ask.

"Lay off her, she started a new job!" Jay says.

I don't get why my brother always defends my mother. Maybe, it's because he remembers our childhood more and how mom used to be but I don't. Not at all. Not one bit. I just remember her walking out on us.

"I know but-" I say

"Jay's right, plus, I'll be fine, I already have a job," my dad says.

I stop trying to explain how much mom usually disappoints us with her empty promises.

"Eat more than you did yesterday, please Y/n, you haven't been eating as much lately."

"I'm just not that hungry," I say.

"You're still growing, just try even if you're not hungry," my dad says.


I plunk down in a chair. Some girl sits beside me. She chews her pencil whilst slouching as she stares at the board. I lean over.

"Hey, do you um, have a spare pen?" I ask.

She doesn't say anything, digs through her pencil case and hands me a pen.

"Thank you!" I say, "I'm Y/n, what's your name?"

She looks me up and down and laughs before looking at the board.

"Okay..," I say, turning to the board.

I look at my shirt.

It is quite pathetic. I look so childish. I've never really cared about it before but looking at it now...

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