Act 38: The Fall of the Black Moon

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The Three Lights were the last ones to arrive at the shrine. They quietly entered from the back of the room and sat down in the closest space available, which happened to be right next to the Outer Senshi, much to Haruka's dismay.

Haruka shifted uncomfortably on the floor cushion as she continued to wonder why they were all called to the shrine so abruptly since the Moon Senshi returned. She wondered what had happened since the attack against Usagi.

Usagi didn't want to waste any more time. "I was attacked twice today by Sedena within a short period of time."

Seiya's eyes narrowed at her comment. He knew about the first attack, but had the second attack occurred shortly after he left? He was annoyed at himself for not being there. He was glad he was working with Taiki and Yaten only today, making it easy to attend to senshi matters.

"What happened?" Minako asked. She sat up in a more attentive position after receiving this information.

Usagi briefly discussed the two attacks she experienced, followed by Ayane's discussion of what had been found on Yokoate-Jima. She discussed the plan to attack as soon as possible and asked for feedback from the other senshi.

Before anyone could respond, Yui jumped to her feet, "We can't just sit around here! We have to act before they change locations or do something to hurt our Princess!"

"You're being impulsive," Nanami interrupted, trying to reel Yui back. "I think we should all rest for a few hours and then leave. We will need the energy."

Akari rubbed her forehead while several other senshi began to argue back and forth. After this continued for several minutes, she bolted upright. Her sudden action silenced the room. "Would it better to take it to a vote? Or should the Princess decide?" She turned to Usagi for input.

"Umm.... Maybe a vote...?" Usagi responded with hesitation. Everyone made valid points and she wasn't used to making decisions for the entire team.

A few minutes later it was agreed upon they would all rest until two in the morning. This would give everyone six hours to rest. The group would prepare to leave the shrine at three in the morning to begin their attack on Nemesis.


At exactly two o clock, a crescent moon hung low in the sky. It was a crystal clear night full of stars. Sailor Cosmos stood silently away from the others looking up at her former home. She smiled. When she was at the Silver Millennium she constantly looked down at the Earth. Now she was on Earth and she constantly found herself looking up at the Moon.

Sailor Star Fighter lightly placed her hand on Sailor Cosmos' shoulder, startling her. "I'm sorry, Odango. I didn't mean to scare you." She apologized. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

"I'm fine," Sailor Cosmos tried to reassure the Starlight. She took a step back, away from Sailor Star Fighter. "We should rejoin the others." Her tone was full of disappointment. "I was met with a lot of anger by the Moon Senshi over my choice. I don't want to anger the others any more before the battle."

"They will come around at some point. Maybe, even Haruka-san," Sailor Star Fighter teased.

Sailor Cosmos looked at Sailor Star Fighter wide eyed. "You think so?"

"Ah..." Sailor Star Fighter scrambled for reassuring words and laughed instead. "Stranger things have happened."

Sailor Cosmos smiled. "When this is over, I can't wait to be just a high school student without having to worry about saving the world."

Before Sailor Star Fighter could say anything else, she was interrupted by Sailor Star Healer shouting at them from the distance, "Are you guys coming?"

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