Act 47: A Guardian's Quest

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Princess Serenity opened her eyes. Her eyes were the same dull shade of blue which signified that Chaos was still in command of her body. "It's amazing," she said as she looked at the beaded golden bracelet on her wrist, "how a person can survive being split between two personalities and not go mad."

Sailor Galaxia found her voice first. "What are you talking about?"

"This body is split between her former life as Princess Serenity and eventual Queen of Crystal Tokyo and just an ordinary high school student Tsukino Usagi. The amount of conflict had made it so easy to bend her to my will. You don't think it was a coincidence how she drastically changed? I believe you said it best," Princess Serenity said as she turned to face Sailor Galaxia. "We all have a dark side to our soul." She smiled. "I guess hers was darker than I ever imagined. Can you image being torn between two different destinies for one body?" She flipped some of her hair to side. "But enough of that. I've sealed Usagi. I don't find her useful."

"What did you do with Usako?" Mamoru demanded as he tried to control his anger.

"Ah, yes the Prince of Earth. The soul mate for Princess Serenity.... too bad Chiba Mamoru isn't the soul mate for Tsukino Usagi," Princes Serenity said with a smirk.

"How can you be so cruel?" Yaten exclaimed who was surprised by his own outburst. If there was one thing he learned about this girl before him she would never say something to purposely hurt someone.

"You begin to bore me," said Princess Serenity as Sailor Moon's brooch appeared in her hands. She opened the lid and the brooch began to float in the air. A bright white light began to shine from the once red star.

"The Maboroshi no Ginzuishou!" Setsuna exclaimed as she pulled out her crystal wand preparing to transform.

"What are you doing?" Rei shouted at her as she grabbed her arm. "It's Usagi you're about to attack!"

Setsuna frowned as she thought about Rei's words. It was difficult to be able to attack her own Princess she was sworn to protect.

The Maboroshi no Ginzuishou floated next to Princess Serenity with an out stretched hand, the crystal flew into her right hand. In her left hand appeared the tiare she used as Sailor Moon to purify enemies.

"No!" Princess Kakyuu shouted as she recognized what was about to happen. "She is about to combined both of the senshi power sources!" Princess Kakyuu attempted to attack but Sailor Chi stood in the way.

"Now the real fun begins!" Sailor Moon exclaimed with glee as the crystal came in contact with her tiare. A bright white flash occurred. Everyone had to shield their eyes from the intensity of the white hot light.

"The birth of a star..." Seiya murmured as he felt the energy radiate. "Odango...we're too late..." he said in defeat.

The light began to die down and turned to darkness. A burst of prism colors appeared for a moment. Once that energy began to fade the first thing they saw was a flowing white cape flickering side to side from the gusts of wind that was created by merging the two powerful objects. Her hair flowed with the wind but it was no longer gold. It had a silver hue and the ponytails were so long they nearly touched the ground she walked on. She wore a pair of high heeled high shoes with small feathers fanning out to the side just below her ankles. She wore a short white pleated dress. In the center of the dress pleats was a small star shaped crystal enclosed in a small orb. On the top side of the orb were small feathers that resembled wings. Underneath the feather shaped wings were five small pearl looking beads. Underneath the small orb were several strips of color that seemed similar to a mimic a rainbow. Two thin bands of ribbon flow out from under this emblem nearly touching the floor. Her broach also had the same symbol that was on the lower part of her dress. The dress sleeves were three horizontal bands of gold fabric with small pearls and feathers lining the side of each arm from the shoulder down. The dress had a sailor collar with three bands around the edge. A white choker with a gold pointed star lay on her neck. Three pearl beads adorned each ear lobe. An eight pointed star blazed on her forehead which replaced the crescent moon symbol that had covered her forehead for so many years. She had the same feathered hair ornaments she wore in her hair as Eternal Sailor Moon. Her hair no longer in round shaped odangos, a tradition from her past life for royalty of the Silver Millennium. But rather heart shaped odangos like the ones Chibi Chibi had worn. She wore a singular pearl ring on each of her fingers. In her left hand she held a long staff. The top of the staff carried the same emblem that was found through her outfit with the eight pointed golden star. The light from the Maboroshi no Ginzuishou fading as it became one with the star in the crystal sphere. She opened her eyes. They had retained the dark blue hue. She didn't say anything at first as she could feel this new energy pulsing throughout her.

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