Act 2: Tenou Haruka

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Welcome back for the next installment! I hope you are enjoying the story so far. I am editing each chapter again before posting here... the entire story is about 60 acts and somewhere along the lines of 500,000 words. Hopefully I'm finding most of the typos! Thank you for your patience!

Haruka let her thoughts wander as she drove more laps around the track. This is the place she could always go when she needs to think things over. This morning she was in a daze. Another car appeared to her side and quickly passed her up. It was at that moment she realized her level of distraction and if she didn't start pay attention things might not turn out too well.

It didn't take long for her to finish her current lap and return the car to its previous location. She pulls herself out of the car and takes off her helmet. Something is missing. Or rather something she was forgetting. She had this feeling since yesterday and she couldn't shake it. It is time to head back to her apartment, was the largest source of confusion.


Usagi has her textbook open in front of her as she tries to pay attention. Paying attention isn't working for her at the moment so she changes her focus to just staying awake. Usagi glances at Makoto and Minako. They are half listening to the lesson or doing a good job of making it look like they were actually paying attention. It is safe to assume they didn't remember anything either.

A bell rings dismissing them for lunch. Usagi pulls out her lunch eager to eat. Before she can take a bite, Taiki approaches her, "we need to talk." The Three Lights are still a popular singing group and everyone at school remembers them. They have to go somewhere quiet to speak. "Meet us on top of the rooftop in a few minutes," Taiki said as he walked away from the desk.

Usagi understood the need for confidentially since no one else needed to know they are senshi. Usagi covers her bento and takes it with her. She isn't going to give up her entire lunch time and not eat anything!

About ten minutes later the four are on the rooftop. Usagi is inhaling her food as always.

"Did you recognize that woman that attacked us yesterday?" Yaten asks as he stands by the fence overlooking the school grounds. He is keeping an eye on things making sure she has not returned.

"I have no idea," Usagi said as she put more rice into her mouth. "Yesterday was the first time I saw her. I was wondering if you knew who she was since she seemed to know you more."

"That was the first time we met her as well," Taiki adds as he joins Yaten over by the fence. "But we need to discuss our plan of action since I am pretty sure she will be back. I don't want to be caught off guard like that again." Taiki walks away from the fence to face Usagi. "How do we help the others remember the past? We are going to need their help."

For the first time since Usagi sat down she stopped eating. "I wish I knew," said Usagi in a really quiet voice. "I wish there was some easy way for them to remember everything but I don't know. I received my memories back when I started watching the three of you fight the other senshi."

"So we need to have others present during a battle?" Yaten asks sarcastically. "I don't see how that is going to work." Yaten looks over at his other two comrades for input.

"We will find another way to help them remember," Seiya said as he came to Usagi's defense. "Odango has been through a lot... we all have. We need to work together more than ever to stop this new enemy."

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