After so many loops, our little devil darling; Bendy, has been thrusted into a world where 80% of the population have powers called 'quirks'. Can he survive and thrive by becoming a hero, or go back to old ways he didn't even know he had and let the...
Hey everyone! As promised, here are some redraws of (almost) each drawing of this fic along with my thoughts on each chapter (for the chapters I didn't touch on their art, I will be still be touching on my thoughts on them, just without the image). These drawings are also not to the same quality and effort as what I draw for original chapters due to the fact that this project was already time consuming (which is why I won't be redrawing drawings from Insult to the Highest Degree, The Boy Born of Nothing and obviously What's Your Name?) . I'm also not redrawing the tapes. I'm planning to slightly change the format when they finally start reappearing again, but I think the originals are fine as is. This also will get negative, but I really don't mean any offence to the original author
Prologue: No particular thoughts on it. Irrelevant to my plot however from the little I've gotten to know about the original direction of this fic, it made sense
Chapter 1: A Different World Original
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My thoughts on this chapter, along with all the chapters by the original author, can only go so far since it's not my own writing and therefor I can't know the intentions behind it. I also don't want to be disrespectful to the original chapters. However, I think this was a bit of a rough start but did the job. Bendy isn't too annoying here, Momo felt in character enough, I liked All Might here, and overall it's a fine chapter. I have more issues with the art itself honestly, but I won't get into any art criticisms this time.
Chapter 2: Yaoyorozu Residence
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