Chapter 1

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If we're being honest I have ZERO clue how to start stories so I apologize profusely if it's a little janky the first chapter or 2 also fuck indenting paragraphs🫶

Another restless night. Another night searching through piles and piles of keys. I won't lose hope, I can't lose hope, there must be an exit. Somewhere.

I can already hear the obnoxious theme song music starting up from a distance, Caine will usually bang on the door to our rooms incessantly but I really don't want to deal with his shit right now, so I'll just leave my room before he can become a nuisance.

I waded through the piles of keys, fairly slowly might I add. I really should move some of these that don't unlock the exit, but honestly, who has the time

Luckily I do keep the keys away from the entrance so none of the keys spill out when I open it, and so Caine can't see the keys when he sees me leave my room. Caine is fairly laid back, but there is one thing he doesn't like, and that is trying to find the exit, that and cursing.

I left just in time because Caine was barreling down the hall as loud as humanly possible. I would've been pissed if I had woken up to that. Seeing others start to leave their rooms I slipped into my snarky persona

"Hey Caine, think you could tone it down? Some of us need our beauty sleep" I said, whilst ✨sassily✨ checking my nails

YEAH sparkles around sassy shit Jax does will be a recurring theme, also I'm not good at writing sassy characters so I'm sorry if it's not accurate😭

"Sorry about that Jax, but we have a wAcKy fAnTasTiCaL journey to go on!" Caine said, way too eagerly

"Oh, greatttt" I said while rolling my eyes

"Do we have to?" Zooble asked, sounding extremely bored and tired

"Nothing is ever forced at the circus but it is highly recommended if you wish to stay sane!" Caine said, once more way too happily

Zooble just rolled they're eyes in response

"Zooble, I think it would be a great opportunity to get out more and see some more of this realm, especially with you being the newest arrival!" Ragatha voiced

Yea fuck pomni if I feel like she'll show up it'll be later but she ain't here rn, also zooble has been here 7 months now, so they're used to everything by now

"Whatever" she said, sounding slightly convinced

"I for one, think it would be great if you lost your leg again." I sneered

"BLEEP off Jax"  zooble responded

"Duly noted" I said sarcastically

"AGHH, did I hear an insect collection?" Kinger said

Everyone has just started ignoring his rants on insect collection at this point, so not a single living soul replied to him

"So Caine, what's today's adventure?" Ragatha asked

Caine went into extreme depth on whatever the hell we're supposed to be doing, but I couldn't help but get lost in thought.

I've always hated how this alter ego I have, but I'd much rather display myself as a cocky bastard than the anxious, nervous wreck I really am.

Sometimes I feel like I can't even control what I say when I'm around the others. I know that I am the one that comes up with the thoughts and says the words, but it's almost like an impulse I can't stop. To be honest, it scares me. But who on earth is scared of themselves? I must be going insane, I can't be any better than Kinger at this point.

Maybe I can sneak away from the group and not participate in the activity? Being my alter ego takes a lot of energy, energy I don't have right now. And I can't let anyone see through the cracks.

"-and then you light the scooter on fire and throw it at the shopping cart, it's that easy!" I heard Caine say when I finally started paying attention

Based on everyone else's facial expressions, they don't know what he meant either

"Rightttt, so we're gonna go do that nowww" ragatha said awkwardly before leading the way out, with gangle following second

Caine proofed out of the area when ragatha left which meant I could make my escape back to my room, which was quite literally 4 steps away

With my door closed and locked behind me, I could safely let my smile falter and my eyes droop once more.

Now came the tough decision, sleeping, or sorting through more keys. Keeping my false personality up outside my room would be much easier with some sleep, but on the other side maybe I'll find the exit key today and i won't need sleep.

I've always hated decisions. and I've always sucked at making them, maybe i could flip a coin? no i don't have one, looks like ill have to make the decision this time.

In this time of contemplating what decision to make one of my eyes got so heavy I couldn't keep it open anymore.

"I guess that decides it, sleep it is" I said, talking to myself

'Wow I really must be going insane, talking to myself, just like Kinger' I thought, right before I fell asleep

AlrighTttT first chapter done, and a few things I need to note before we continue. Jax does not have a bed, all he has in his rooms are keys, where he got them? No idea but he just has thousands upon thousands of keys. And as you can imagine sleeping on keys isn't comfy so you can imagine how amazing that must be. ANotheRrR thing is that food is a required thing in this world, unlike the pilot they actually need to eat food to survive, as well as do other bodily function that I think you can imagine so YES every room also has an attached bathroom, and yes Jax does actually have room in his bathroom that isn't keys. ALRIGHT hope u enjoyed the first chapter and until next time.

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