Chapter 10

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I gathered my bearings, took a deep breath, put on my large smile, and left my room

There wasn't anyone near my door and the fucking music was too loud for me to hear anyone talking, so I wondered aimlessly until I found everyone in a group

"JAX!" Ragatha yelled when she saw me

"Jeez why're you being so loud" I said, wincing away at the loud voice

"What do you mean, you've been gone for days! We thought something got you"

"Couldn't you just have Caine look for me, you know he has trackers in like all of us"

"He said your dot disappeared" she told me

"How is that even possible dollface" I said, in a tone that made it sound like I was talking to an insane person

"So we all figured you died, hence why we're all in a group" gangle said, with her comedy mask on

I tried to hold the other me back from going to break gangles mask, but I couldn't. It's like I've lost control. Like I'm not even the main personality now.

"JAX STOP" ragatha yelled at me

"Oh come on, crybaby can handle it" I told her, well, not me. It was him. The other me. I can't get him to go away anymore

"THAT DOESNT MEAN TOU SHOULD DO IT!" She yelled again, I tried to walk away from her, but I couldn't. I was stuck here, or I guess the other me was keeping me here. I hate being yelled at, it's gotten worse since my "dad" yelled at me


I managed to take control of my body, shoving the other me back into the depths of my mind, for now.

I immediately stepped away from ragatha, she was overwhelming me and it was kinda scaring me

"S-sorry, I di-didn't mean to" I said, avoiding eye contact

Ragatha just looked confused, but I could see in her eyes that she calmed down

Before he took control again I figured I should probably apologize to gangle

"I'm sorry gangle, truly" I told her

"Uhh thanks?" She said, sounding as confused as ragatha looked

"What the BLEEP is up with you?" Zooble asked

"N-nothing I just felt like I should apologize" I replied

"Are you feeling ok Jax?" Ragatha asked

"This didn't happen because of me did it??" Ragatha said sounding concerned

"No, this isn't your fault, it's... his" I replied

"...what?" Zooble said

"Looks like I have to leave.. haha, again, I'm sorry" I said solemnly before he took over

"What are y'all looking at??" He said sounding annoyed

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