Chapter 6

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I don't know what time it is and I genuinely couldn't care less, I think if I gather my bearings for the rest of the day, I'll be able to go out with the group tomorrow so they won't get suspicious

TiMe SkIp

I was right, being by myself did help a little bit. I mean, every last second of the last 5 years had just gone away in mere seconds, but I'm fine. It's fine. Well, I'm not fine, but other me is, which is all that matters right now!

I'm hoping he'll be able to find something that'll help me, but I think I'll just let him take the reins for a couple days, I'm still scared of the other me, he's rude and honestly too out of control, but I don't care anymore. About anything

I could already hear the theme song starting up from a distance so I let other me take control

I walked out of my room doin my sassy walk, when Caine came up to me

"What were you doing with all those keys! I never had a chance to ask yesterday" Caine asked me

"What keys? are you going more crazy than you already are?" I asked, whilst rolling my eyes

"What do you mean! You were making quite the deal about it yesterday! And I took like hundreds from your room-" he said, trailing off slightly at the end

"Nope, no idea what your talking about" I shrugged

"ANYWAYS queue the intro!" Caine yelled

*TADC theme intensifies*

"Wow I really hate that" zooble said

"No BLEEP Sherlock" I responded

"Hey guys, let's calm down!" Ragatha attempted to say

"Shut up you easy bake oven" I replied

"What does that even mean??" She asked sounding confused

"That's for me to know and you to find out" I said before dipping

"AGH" Kinger screamed for absolutly no reason

"Oh wait, almost forgot" I said before walking over to gangle and shoving her to the ground

"My comedy mask..." gangle said sounding very depressed

"JAX YOU CANT JUST DO THAT" ragatha yelled after me

"Can, and did" I said before leaving once more

"This is why no one likes you" zooble yelled

I just flipped them off from afar, which couldn't have been seen because of Caine's censor, but I figured it would be worth a try

Great... now what to do

My rooms boring, and the insecure me usually takes control when I go in there, so that's out of the question

I could always go pester people again? Yea let's do that

"Sup ladies" I said waltzing back into the havoc I caused mere seconds ago

"You back already? Must be desperate" zooble said sounding very bored

"Nuh uh" I said before ignoring her and walking over near ragatha

I noticed she had somehow managed to tape gangles mask back together, I didn't even know we had tape in this place

"Wowww excellent work here, really love the craftsmanship" I said sarcastically

"Jax you've done enough damage today, can you just leave?" Gangle asked, now more confrontational since she had her happy mask back

"Hmmmmm, nah" I said, acting out like I was thinking

Bro exudes theatre kid energy💀

I walked over to gangle, trying to come up with a plan to break her already fragile mask again. 'Maybe I can shove her?" Nah I've done that too much. Hmmmm 'slapping it off her face?' That seems a little agressive butttttttt, nah I probably shouldn't, but in the other handddd, yea why not, not like she'll feel much, if any pain anyways

I reared up my hand to preform the perfect back hand when her mask broke

"WHYyyYyYyY" gangle choked out

"I didn't even do anything... that time!" I said

"JAX leave her alone!" Ragatha yelled at me

"Duly noted, now if you could lower your voice that would be greatttt" I said whilst smiling

"NO IVE HAD IT WITH YOU, THIS NEEDS TO STOP NOW JAX!" She yelled, whilst walking closer to me

Guys you don't even know how sorry I am that ragatha is out of character, but there's no one else I can have yell at jax rn so ragatha is the closet option, again I'm rly sorry she's out of character😭😭

"Yea yea I'll stop" I said not even realizing I had backed myself into a corner


"Haha... yea I'll stop y-you can stop shouting now" I told her, getting more anxious as I realized the insecure me was going to take control

"You just won't jax, that's the issue. YOU WONT EVER STOP" she shouted whilst putting her hand on my shoulder (for whatever dumbass reason I decided)

"Can you stop shouting, and can you move away from me too, your presence really annoys me" I managed to say before the other me took control

[ragatha pov] that's wacky I didn't know we would switch pov🫢🫢🫢

"Can you stop shouting, and can you move away from me too, your presence really annoys me." Jax said, scoffing

"IVE BLeEpInG HAD IT WITH YOU, YOU JUST DONT KNOW WHEN TO STOP!" I yelled at him, getting all my pent up anger out

I saw his pupils shrink, his permanent smile faltered and his ears drooped, did I go too far?

[Jax Pov]

When did she get so close to me? Why is she touching me?? And why is she yelling at me??? Did other me fuck something up? Why am I so stupid all I do is cause harm I should've just stayed in my room

"Can you get your hand off me?" I asked, my voice sounding wayyy wimpier then I thought it would

Ragatha just looked at me confused

"Please..." I said, trailing off

"Um yea? I-I'm sorry I didn't mean" ragatha said as she removed her hand

"I-im sorry it's just-" she spoke before I cut her off

"No it's fine, he can go a bit too far, it's my fault really" I told her

"What...?" I heard her ask

I decided to ignore her and try to walk back to my room, too much had just happened and I needed a minute to process it all

Unfortunately I didn't get far before I passed out, I guess not eating for multiple weeks will do that to a person

AGHHH im so sorry this chapter Took so long to come out guys😭😭😭 im really good at procrastinating, I'll try to get the next chapter up by tomorrow, but you never know, also I just want to thank everyone whose read this, it means a lot there's people out there that enjoy what I write!

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