Chapter 15

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Starting off I'd like to apologize for lack of trigger warnings, but just know those themes will most likely remain constant throughout the story, if it's something that bothers you then this is not the story for you

With that out of the way, here is the long awaited chapter 15

Then I felt myself going in and out of conscious, on the verge of falling asleep, when finally I fell asleep

When my eyes had opened I was filled with an immense amount of uneasiness, I had just done the one thing I swore I'd never do again, and that was sleep

But then I realized, I wasn't in the real world, I was still in the circus. Im full of joy with the realization that I don't have to go back to that house, that I don't have to spend more time with Mike, but I'm also very confused, I thought I knew how these dreams worked, I'd fall asleep, wake up in my memories and then I'd stay there till I slept there and then I'd be back at the circus.

Maybe it's like a roulette wheel, and it's a random chance each time? I said to myself and maybe I'd just gotten really unlucky and ended up there multiple times in a row

Whatever, it doesn't matter because I refuse to sleep right now, at least not for a while, I'd do anything to not go back there

Then it hit me, I haven't seen anyone else from the circus in AGES, come to think of it I don't even know how long I've been asleep WAIT the cut, has it healed at all??

It's completley gone. Did I imagine it? Did I really sleep long enough for it to heal conpletley? Maybe we heal faster in the circus? No that wouldn't make sense, I've never gotten injured in the circus before, it shouldn't be possible. I guess I really did imagine it.

I should leave my room and try to find the others, I think all of this alone time is driving me insane. And now that I think about it, I haven't let the other me take control in a while, is he even still there? I'm not sure how long I can survive if I have to pretend to be like him, I hope he's still there

I decided to stop worrying and to leave my room, I could tell the others were around and about because this music only plays when it's "day time"

I grabbed the handle to my door and turned it, opening me to the outside world for the first time in who knows how long, as usual, it was annoyingly bright and loud and I had to squint my eyes to get them used to the sudden change of brightness

Once my eyes adjusted I went to venture out and find someone else, I walked throughout the various halls and open areas before I eventually found everyone in a group

I took a deep breath before walking over to them, luckily he switched in just in time

"Jax?!" Ragatha exclaimed upon seeing me

"In the flesh💅" I responded

"Where have you been Jax?" Gangle asked, with a hint of joy in her tone as she still had her comedy mask

I spoke too soon because she immediatly tripped and broke it

"I'm starting to think I'm blessed with the ability to break that mask whenever I'm near" I joked

"Of course the second you show up everything starts sucking :(" gangle replied

"Wah Wah wah that's all I hear" I replied

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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