Chapter 11

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I entered my room and closed the door behind me

'Why did I share so much' I said to myself, cringing while I recounted that interaction

'She knows too much, what if she tells the others' 'I guess that's not a bad thing, maybe I can push the other me away for good

'I hate thinking, this sucks' I told myself

Now I have to make a veeerrrryyyy tough decision, stay in here and overthink every possible thing, orrrr learn more about my actual life and not have to deal with the others for a couple days

Naturally, I went with the latter option. I'm still confused how I can sleep so easily, that's practically all I do now

I laid down and waited for sleep to overcome me, which did take a while, since I slept for multiple days not that long ago, but eventually I did fall sleep

I awoke in the same bed in the same room as last time. Nothing had changed in the room, although it was a tad dirty and cluttered. I wasn't gonna spend my memory finding time cleaning, so after a moment of deciding, I left my room

It's the first time I've learned anything new from my memories, and my room was in a hallway. This hallway had 2 other doors, and then it opened up to a dining room/kitchen area. (So it takes inspo from Walter whites house🫶 but it's not directly ripped from it by any means)

I figured I'd check out whatever was behind the door across from me, so I opened it and it was a bathroom. A fairly small one, a shower/tub combo, a toilet, and a small sink with a medicine cabinet over it

I'm actually pretty sure it was smaller then the one I had attached to my room

I left the room and closed the door behind me and went to check out the door at the end of the hallway. The floor creaked under me as I approached, I felt a sense of unease wash over me

I reached out to grasp the silver handle, and I finally turned it and opened the door. It was another bedroom, nothing big, just a queen sized bed in the center and a dresser to the side.

This room was really messy too, like really messy, clothes were strewn everywhere, there was broken glass on the carpet to the left of me

'How can anyone live in these conditions?' I thought to myself

Then I heard it, a quiet little floor creak.

I instinctively turned around, expecting someone behind me

But I was met with a fist to my face

"THE F-FUCK DO YOU THINK YER DOIN IN HERE" someone yelled at me, there speech slurred

Pain swelled in my face and when I brought my hand down from touching it, it had blood on it. When I looked up to see who punched me I was met with another hit

A slap this time

It stung all across my face, and I could feel the heat coming off of it.

"ANSWER ME" the voice yelled once more

"I t-thought I heard a noise and I-I came to check it out" I stuttered


I had finally mustered up the courage to see who it was that had struck me. It was my father.

"Sorry sir"

"thhats mooore like it" he slurred out once more, his voice calming, but still laced with anger

He started saying more words, but they were so jumbled I could make out anything, then without a warning he just collapsed. I could see his breathing, so he was still alive, but he definitely passed out.

I should probably go into my room, just in case he wakes up. Wait, no if he passed out, I should keep looking at the rest of the house, since he's not an issue anymore

I remembered I was still bleeding when a droplet fell on the carpet

'Shit, he's gonna be pissed when he sees that's I thought to myself

so I walked to the bathroom to examine how bad it was, and it wasn't that bad, I mean he hit my nose, so it makes sense that it started bleeding. I used some water to gently wash the blood off, my fav stung a lot and every time I touched it my eyes would water in response

After a while and after very tediously washing the blood off, it was finally all gone, and I could resume my exploration of the house, having completely forgotten about the blood droplet

So I left the bathroom and ventured towards the opening of the hallway

The dining/kitchen area was pretty messy, food and trash spewn about. But it wasn't as bad as his room. I saw some mail in the counter and decided to look at it

It was all addressed to a man named 'Mike'

That must be his name, I mean, there's no way it's my mail, I wouldn't need any mail. Yes that has to be his name. Now I can call him something other then my dad, because I doubt a real dad would treat their son this way

This got me thinking 'what's my name?' I made mine up when I came to the circus, I felt like Jax was just the right name, I wonder how far off I was

I brushed the thought off and went to check out the rest of the house, and there really wasn't much. A single couch and a sad end table, that's it. The couch had multiple miscellaneous stains on it that made me not even want to touch it

I figured that I should head back to my room before Mike woke up. I had explored all I needed to and I really couldn't handle another run in with him

As I approached my door I grabbed and twisted the handle, opening the door with a loud creak. I prayed that didn't wake him, especially since I didn't know whether or not he was a heavy sleeper or not

I guess there's nothing else to do now besides wake up. I've explored, found out his name, the only real things left on my to-do list is find my real name, find how I got stuck here in the first place, and find a way out

So I laid down on my comfy bed and closed my eyes

And next time I opened them I was back in the circus

"Guys he woke up!" I heard ragatha cheer

I hadn't even realized everyone was in my room.

"What is everyone doing here?"

FUCK YEA another chapter done💪💪 next one is genuinely gonna be a while tho, I'm working on the Jax x kaufmo oneshot chapter alongside the normal one, and I'm shit at time management so we'll see which one comes our first, anyways I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter, next one should be out before next Saturday!

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