Chapter 3

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It's probably been long enough, I don't hear Caine patrolling or doing stupid shit anymore, so he must've went on to do something different, I mean he obviously doesn't sleep so I'm not sure what he does at night but that doesn't concern me right now

I grabbed a ton of keys I haven't used before and stuffed them into my ✨magic pockets✨ before I headed out my door to find the exit door

Surprising it was right at the exit of my door, like right in front of it.

"Convenient" I muttered to myself before entering

I did the same ritual as before, keeping every door open and kept on going until I entered a larger room with other doors

I did the same thing as last time, spent hours, or what I'm assuming is hours, trying every key on every door I come across, like normal, none of them unlocked, not even a closet door

I decided on doing 2 more large rooms worth of doors before I'll leave. So I went through the only unlocked door and entered a long hallway with nothing but a door at the end, I walked to that door and opened it only to find the same thing on the other side

I went through that door and the same thing happened, then I went through the next and the same happened. I guess that's a sign to stop searching for today.

I followed my way back, making it to the last big room and going through the only open door I left. But when I went through, there was just a long hallway, not another large room like there was last time

"What the hell?" I muttered to myself before racing to the other side, the same hallway. I went through that door, the same hallway

"No no no no" I said, my voice showing slight panic. I kept running through the hallways. The same thing. The same thing. I went back the other way and I found the large room once more, and the other unlocked door led to more hallways

"I can't be trapped, it just shouldn't work that way, that's now how this place works" I said, reasoning with myself

I tried the locked doors with my keys again, none of them got unlocked

"Maybe I should try going through the halls again?" I asked myself

"Yea probably" I told myself

I ran through the hallways again, going through 12, 20, 36 hallways. It's always the same. There's no difference. Everything is the same.

"T-this is fine, Caine will realize I'm gone and look through here, he has too" I tried reasoning with myself

No, he couldn't even be bothered to find you for dinner, he's not going to search here. No one even knows about the exit door.No one knows where I am. I am trapped, with no way out

"I can't even look for other doors to unlock, all the hallways only have 1 door, and it's already unlocked. I'm completely useless" I told myself

"Yea, you are" another part of me said

My breathing got quicker, I hadn't even realized until it was too late. I was in a full blown panic attack and I couldn't stop myself from hyperventilating anymore

The corner of my vision was getting dark, my thoughts were getting fuzzy, I just needed to lie down

-WOOO first time skip😩😩-

I awoke on the ground, the same place I had passed out

"W-what?" I questioned, having momentarily forgotten what had happened

I remembered I was stuck here and no one was coming to save me. Then I had a thought, what if I break through one of the doors, I'd never thought to do that. Why have I never thought to do that? Maybe I thought if I didn't unlock it the proper way it wouldn't work? I'm not sure, but either way I have to try it

I rushed to the large room hopeful to try one of the doors. I chose one on the left in a corner. I'm not strong by any means but maybe I'll be able to break through the door. Just maybe.

I reared up, ready to shoulder check it. So I can forward and slammed my body into the door, and ... it worked. The door actually opened. And even better, just above a few steps of stairs there was a door labeled 'exit'

It wasn't like the one I had entered, it was different, it felt more genuine. I had finally found it. The exit. Was right there. I walked up the steps eager to finally leave. I opened the door

Woohoo cliffhanger🤠 idk when I'll update next by hopefully tomorrow

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