Chapter 4

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If I'm being completely honest I have no idea where I'm taking this so I'm sorry if the plot line is a little wonky

It wasn't like the one I had entered, it was different, it felt more genuine. I had finally found it. The exit. Was right there. I walked up the steps eager to finally leave. I opened the door

I was greeted by a blinding white light, I cringed at how bright it was at first, but it was oddly comforting after a while. It felt like a warm blanket, and I never wanted to leave

This was already far better then the circus, the simplicity, the fact it was quiet, and the fact I felt like I could finally relax. This was the most calm I've been in 5 years. Has it really been that long? How do I know it's been that long? I shouldn't have any scope of time in the circus

Remember guys, it's been confirmed that Jax is 22, so 5 years in the circus means he entered when he was 17, this is my own opinion and it's not confirmed how long he's been here, I just think 17 is a good age for him.

Is it the void? Is it allowing me more leeway, maybe if I stay here long enough it'll allow me my memories. I hope so.

It's almost as if I manifested that because I feel like I'm right on the verge of remembering something. Yes! I can see something now, it's a... lavender door? It looked weathered, almost like scratches all over it. The handle was silver, and that was all the info I gathered before I was ripped from the void and put back into the circus

"What the-" I muttered to myself

"How did you get out there Jax!" Caine said, enthusiastically

"Must've been a glitch in this BLEEP hole" other me said, whilst rolling his eyes

"Hmm, I understand, I will go search for the problem!" Caine said before leaving

It wasn't until after Caine left that I realized everyone was around me, ragatha, zooble, you name it, everyone

"What?" I said ✨sassily

"Where were you?" Gangle asked timidly, because she somehow broke her mask, even without my influence

"The void" I said nonchalantly

"How did you get there??" Ragatha asked in a confused manor

"Dunno just sorta, got there" I replied whilst rolling my eyes, for like the 90th time

"Did you see an insect collection?" Kinger questioned

"Nope, just white" I said, only partly lying

"How long was I in the void, you know, since I can't  really tell time there?" I asked, mainly to see how long I was stuck in the exit area

"7 days" zooble replied

"HUH" I said, rather loudly

"Yuuuppppp" zooble said before waddling off

"So that means you haven't eaten in a week, let's get you something to eat" ragatha said

"Oh, um yea im fine i guess time passes differently there because I'm perfectly fine!" I said, partially breaking the illusion other me set up

"Ummm... ok?" Ragatha said sounding confused

"Since I haven't slept in 7 days, I'm going to my room, byeeeee" I said before skedadling

"That was awkward" I said to myself

"Yea because you BLEEPED it up" other me responded

"Sorry" I apologized

I stayed silent the rest of the way to my room. But I couldn't get the lavender door out of my mind, it was so different from anything here. Could it have been from my real memories?

"I have to go back tonight, I need to find out more about that door" I said to no one in particular

So, I once more waited for the halls to become silent and I gathered a few keys just in case and I left my room to go search for the door. But, the door was right in front of the door to my room again.

"Weird" I muttered

Ignoring the red flags, once more, I entered the door and could only hope I wouldn't get stuck in a loop... again

I did the same thing as last time and kept on going through doors until I found a larger room. I tried my few locks as I was scared it wouldn't work if I didn't follow the same routine, then I ran out the other door into a hallway, feeling hopeful I went through the next door and it also led to the same hallway

Feeling satisfied with my discoveries I went back to the large room and found a door to shoulder check open again. I reared up and slammed into the door

Ow. That hurt, but I think if I try one more time I'll go through, the wood doesn't look very strong

As previously theorized I did make it through the door this time and I would up in the void again

The pure white was still soothing, although it did hurt my eyes to look at it. My hope was that Caine wouldn't check the alert on his Wacky Watch™️ since everyone was meant to be sleeping. Hopefully that would allow my some more time with my memories

Ik I ended it kinda bad but I'm tryingGg the next chapter should be up sometime before Monday but you never know soooo yea

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