Chapter 8

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"I really need to go eat" I said through a pained expression as I left my room to go see if there was any food

"CAINE" I was yelling

"CAAAIIIINNNNEEEEEE" I yelled more drawn out

Thankfully he magically appeared in front of me so I could stop looking

"Can I get some food?" I asked him

"I will ask our head bubble chef to whip something up!" He told me

"Great, come get me when it's ready" I said before leaving to go bother some people

I walked for a while before I even found anyone, sometimes I forget how big this circus is

"Whats up zooble" I said pretty much right when I saw them

"Nice of you to finally wake up" they said, rolling their eyes

"Nice of you to stop being a BLEEP, oh wait- you haven't yet" I insulted

"I'm already missing when you were gone" they said before stumbling off

'Maybe I do need to stay away from everyone, lock myself in my room for a while.' I suggested to myself

"JAX your food is readyyyyyy" Caine said, magically appearing in front of me, holding a plate of geometric ham

"About time" I said rolling my eyes before I took the plate

I decided it would be best for everyone if I just didn't leave my room for a couple days, so I'd need to savor this food, as it would be my last for a while

While I was walking back to my room, I realized just how loud everything here is. The music is constant, there's so many different shapes and colors. It's all just so overwhelming

As soon as I realized that it's as if the music got louder, everything became more annoying and painful to look at. I felt like I'd rather rip my ears off then spend another 10 minutes in this god forsaken place

So I ran to my room. I ran past ragatha and Kinger, I didn't even bother to try and look less insane. I just needed to get back in my room. Fast.

I finally made it to my door and swiftly opened it and slammed it shut behind me before I locked it

"What is wrong with me? That's never happened before. Why did I get so scared?" I was asking myself

I just felt like crying, it was the weirdest feeling, almost like I was going crazy. I thought for a moment as to what had happened, it's never like that, it's always tolerable, I've never gotten so annoyed over the constant never ending music

"It's ok, just breathe, your going to be alright" I told myself, hoping to calm myself down

But a part of my brain couldn't help but worry. What if the circus stayed like that forever? What if everything just stayed too loud and bright. What if it never went back to "normal" what if I'm the thing that changed? What if I'm the one that finally snapped?

My breathing quickened

"No.. no no no no I can't abstract, I can't start going insane. I can't end up like him

OKkKkk guys soOoO I've decided to come up with a new way to add angst for Jax, so Kaufmo has already abstracted, despite the fact pomni isn't here in this story. And im just going to say that Jax and kaufmo were friends cuz I feel like they'd be tricksters together or smthn, and then he had witnessed his abtraction like in the show and he ran away like in the show, and he's never shown that it bothered him, but deep down it did. But he just repressed it, as all angsty characters do OKkKkK back to our regularly scheduled story💀

"I-i can't turn into that thing like he did" I told myself

Memories of that moment flooded over me, which truly didn't help my breathing issue, and an intense feeling of guilt entered my mind

"I-I can't d-do this anymore" I managed to say before I passed out, probably from hyperventilating

I'm so mega sorry this chapter is lowkey short, and that it took me a while to get out. The next chapter I'm hoping will be a little longer than this one. But I'm not sure when I'll get it out, so just be patient with me. Anyways I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter

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