Prologue 01: Ghostface Killer

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3rd POV:

In Carpenter's House.

???: "*Sigh* Well, this is suck...." She said to herself and she was in her house and she was holding her IPhone texting with her IPhone and she was chilling by herself and this teenager girl who was living alone in this house by herself and she had a black long hair with tie ponytail and then she had her skin was Latina and make her was stood right there and she just cooking the foods by herself and she was waiting for Sam to come home from her work or maybe her mother.

When she was turn her head to look at the other picture over there and she saw there was her and her own childhood friend and that person who was stood right there and standing next with the twin sisters and they both were living in happy life. The three of them who were stood right there and they both were smile up...the boy had a raven long hair reach down to his neck and almost his shoulder...and he had a brown eyes also tan skin.

Her name is Tara Carpenter.

Her name is Tara Carpenter

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Tara Carpenter.

Well, she is different than anyone else and she was normal person also good like the other human beings and make her was cooking with the food and then until there was a phone ringing and called by someone else. Yep...someone else want her death and this is how she was going to answer at it.

Tara: "Hello?" She asked and then heard a deep stranger's voice.

???: "Hello? Is Christina here?" He asked.

The killer was stabbed Tara in the leg and then her leg was broken by this serial masked killer name is Ghostface and he wants her dead...what a psychopath who could doing this horrible things. When Tara who was crawling away from here and she felt fear and she was tried to move fast as she could and the killer went to her and he was about to raise his knife out and prepare to stabbed her but Tara got her thought in her mind.

Tara: "*Please, h-h-help me....I-I-I don't want to die-*" She thought and out of nowhere a window was crashed through and make the window was shattered and make the killer was snap out of his focus and turn his head to look at the figure who was arrive here...and that is Tara's boyfriend and make him was look at Tara over there.

Tara: "(Y-Y-Y-Y/N)?" She asked him and make him was breath with anger about the serial killer was stood right there.

(Y/N): "TARA!!!!!!!!!" He shout at her and then Ghostface killer was seen this and make him tries to attack but then (Y/N) run toward to him and gave him a dropkick hit him in the chest and send him to the fridge and knock him on the ground and make Ghostface killer was drop the knife. Then (Y/N) was jump up from the ground and make him was got up again and he saw the killer was get up and tries to reach for the hunting knife but then (Y/N) kick it and then Ghostface killer tries to attack at (Y/N) with the other knife out...but turns out that (Y/N) beat the crap out him.

(A/N: Imagine John Wick as (Y/N) and he just stab Ghostface in the chest.)

When (Y/N) stab Ghostface killer in the chest and make him was stepped back and fall to the ground but he decided to run off and (Y/N) tries to go after him...and his left leg got stabbed and when he turn back to look at Tara.

(Y/N): "Oh no...Tara!" He said to her and he reach to her and tries to wake her up and then the sound of cops was came here right away.

(Y/N): "Tara, it's going to be alright....I'm right here with you." He said to her.

To Be Continued.

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