Chapter 6: The Truth & Meeting/Task Force X

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3rd POV:

Previously Of Scream: The Devil.

When (Y/N) push Plasmus off and make the creature was fall down on the ground and then (Y/N) was charge toward at him with his tendrils came out of his back behind and he had knives from his tendrils and he begin to stabbing at the Plasmus right away and make the creature was roar out in pain.

Plasmus was sent to the wall and knocking it down on the ground and make him was shake his head and he saw (Y/N) was growling toward at Plasmus and let out a roar at them.

Then (Y/N) grab the host out of the symbiote and then (Y/N) was holding it in his hand and make him was opened his mouth and eating it alive by he was consuming at it....and now he was become stronger and growing overpowered also stronger as hell. When (Y/N) was done with this motherfucker and make him was let out a roar up to the sky.

 When (Y/N) was done with this motherfucker and make him was let out a roar up to the sky

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(Y/N)/Carnage: "*ROAR*"

When (Y/N) was let out a terrifying roar up like that which cause the others heard the mighty alpha roaring up and then the Teen Titans members were surprises for what they both saw (Y/N) killing the symbiote where he was consume to eat the power and which make him was upgrading the power inside at him and then Raven was check at the other guy who was laying down on the ground when he was sleeping and she just checking at him and make her sure that he was alive.

Raven: "He's alive." She said to herself.

Cyborg: "Alright, time to fight this thing." He said to himself and he was loading the weapon from his right arm shapeshift into a cannon and he was aiming his weapon at (Y/N) with his Carnage form and then he was stop roaring and he turn his head to look around and he saw Cyborg was aim his weapon at him.

(Y/N)/Carnage: "*GROWLING*" He was growling out at Cyborg. 

Cyborg: "Alright, ugly dude! Stand down right now! We going to do this easy way or hard way!" He said to (Y/N) and make him was chuckle to him and he said.

(Y/N)/Carnage: "The Hard Way." He said to Cyborg and make him was charge toward at Cyborg and then he was blast his cannon at (Y/N) and which it isn't work like that and then (Y/N) shapeshift his right arm into a Hammerfist and he was punch Cyborg and send him to the wall and knocked him down on the ground.

(Y/N)/Carnage: "*GROWLING*" He was growling toward at Cyborg who was been sent to the wall and he was going to walk toward at Cyborg and before he was gonna strike and then he heard there was a roar comes from Beast Boy.

(Y/N)/Carnage: "*GROWLING*" He was growling toward at Cyborg who was been sent to the wall and he was going to walk toward at Cyborg and before he was gonna strike and then he heard there was a roar comes from Beast Boy

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