Chapter 15: Carnage V.S Sinestro

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3rd POV:

Next Morning Later.

(Y/N): "Urrrgh...." he was groaning and make him was start to opening his eyes slowly and make him was wake up right away and then he just turn his head to look around and he was definitely in his own room and make him was yawning out little bit. When (Y/N) was about to moving off but he felt heavy on top of his chest and make him was turn his head to look down at Raven, Starfire, and Blackfire who were sleeping on the bed with (Y/N).

(Y/N): "*Hmmm....So cute.*" He thought himself and make him was smile to seen the three of them were laying down on top of (Y/N)'s body and make him was give them a stroke on their heads and backs too.

(Y/N): "*Sigh* I'm glad that Sam and Tara are going to be fine right now." He said to himself and make him was slowly got up from the bed and he wasn't tries to wake them up and he just let them were sleeping down on the bed. Then (Y/N) heard his IPhone was ringing and make him was grab it in his hand and he take a look at his IPhone and make him saw there was a number of someone was called him him...but it was Tara and he was smile to seen her who calling him and he take an answer on his phone.

(Y/N): "Hey, Tara." He said to her.

Tara: "(Y-Y/N)? Is it really you?" She asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Yeah, it is me....what did I tell you about I was return back to you? Wasn't it?" He asked her and make her was sigh out and sob little bit and she said.

Tara: "I-I-Idiot....what the hell did you took so long?" She asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "I-I-I'm sorry....I was been doing up in this whole night...and day. By the way how is your friend Mindy?" He asked her.

Tara: "She's fine....and she was lucky alive by your other girlfriend....Raven. Was it?" She asked (Y/N) and make him was surprise to heard for what Tara say like that and it was totally death voice and make him was sigh out and he said.

(Y/N): "Tara, I swear to god that I didn't cheat you or Sam...but I am still fallen love with you." He said to her and make her was sigh out and she said.

Tara: "It is fine, (Y/N)...but you need to tell me sooner right away anyway....can you come to my place? Cause Sam and I misses you pretty much." She said to (Y/N) and make him was answer 'Yes, I'm going to be there fast as I could.' and then (Y/N) was definitely going to be there and visit for his two girlfriends in the house. When (Y/N) was heading to the bathroom right away and he was take a shower and take a quick dresses with his casual clothes and prepare for moving out to the Carpenter's new home that where the sisters living there.

 When (Y/N) was heading to the bathroom right away and he was take a shower and take a quick dresses with his casual clothes and prepare for moving out to the Carpenter's new home that where the sisters living there

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