Chapter 8: Assault On Arkham Part 1

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3rd POV:

Back to Raven.

Robin/Cyborg/Beast Boy/Starfire: "(Y/N) was what?!?" They both said in surprises about what they heard of Raven said.

Raven: "(Y/N) was been kidnapped by someone...or someone else when me and (Y/N) were going to the grocery store and I was knocked out into black...but I have no idea what's going on and then I know (Y/N) was taking by them." She said to them and make them thinking about what they were going to do.

Robin: "This isn't good...whoever behind this....they're going to pay." He said to himself.

Starfire: "What are we going to do?" She asked Robin.

Robin: "We need a plan to find out who were kidnappers really is...and I need to know who they both are and why did they kidnapped him." He said and then Robin was going to the computer and he tries to typing his computer down and make him tries to contacting at Batman and the rest of the heroes were tries to understand what's going on...but these bad guys out there and why did they kidnapped (Y/N) for.

Raven: "*(Y/N)...please be safe.....we'll coming for you.*" She thought herself and then Cyborg was put his hand on her shoulder and make her was turn to look at Cyborg and then he had a sad expression on his face and he said.

Cyborg: "Raven, let's calm down...alright? We know he was taken...but these motherfuckers are gonna pay...." He said to Raven and make her was smile up little bit and then she was turn her head back to look at the city and she could seen the sun was out there and it is start to going down and this make her worrying much about (Y/N). Because she seen him was a good man and he wasn't like anything for what she just saw and she was fallen loving with him and she want to know more much about him.

Starfire who was worrying about (Y/N) too...cause she want to seen him again...and she know (Y/N) was different than anyone but she just looking at him was cute and handsome as hell but she wishes to know about him.

Time Skip Later.

Back to (Y/N).

When (Y/N) was groggily opened his eyes slowly up and make him was opened out right away and then he was turn his head to look around and make him just snapped his eyes out opened and he was finally turn his head to seen and this make him surprise like he was in the seat and he tries to opened it up.

Deadshot: "That's not gonna work, kid." He said to (Y/N) and make him was turn his head to look at the other man was known as Deadshot.

(Y/N): "W-Who are you? Where the hell am I?! W-What the hell is this?!?"

Deadshot: "Sorry about been kidnapping you, kid. That wasn't us was Amanda's order tries to keep you alive." He said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Amanda? Who?" He asked him and before Capt. Boomerang told them about jokes and this get (Y/N) wasn't interest at it and make him was gonna do something quickly right now and then before and then Black Spider was appeared out of nowhere and he had the knife about to slash his neck. This make Capt. Boomerang was scared as hell and then he doesn't want to die but Black Spider will kill him right here and instant...but he can't and then (Y/N) was surprise to seen this and then he heard the announcer voice called out.

???: "PREPARE FOR THE PARACHUTE AND DROP DOWN!!!!!! 3....2....1!" 

Then the door was comes from the plane and it was opened out and make the squad and (Y/N) was dropping down and then (Y/N) seen this and he need to do something about it...but when he saw there was Killer Frost who was about to fall out of her own seat and she was going to fall and then he seen this. When (Y/N) was jumped out of the seat with his super strength and make him was grab Killer Frost in his arms and then he was holding her in his arms to keeping her safe right away.

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